For the first time held at Observatory Haunsberg near Salzburg Austria from May 30-June 1, 33 people from 13 countries attended.
The 3 days were full with talks in English, from amateur and professional spectroscopists. Baader Planitarium and Shelyak attended.
This is a new facility, the observatories contain 2 telescopes a 40cm RC with Echelle spectrograph and a 1m ASA EQ 1000 RC F7 equatorial telescope. We had 1 night on the 1m telescope viewing many Messier objects. The central star in M57 was an easy target for the 1m, M81 and M104 showed lots of detail, in very dark transparent skies with excellent seeing and no light pollution.
All in all, I learn’t a lot and made new friends.This symposium proved to be productive and important, for the future of international am-pro collaboration.
I would like to thank the organisers Manfred Schwarz, Herbert Puhringer, Ernst Pollman for there hard work and efforts in making this a success.
I encourage people from the UK to support the next symposium.
Regards to all,
Essex UK