Yes, I can see that your automatic counting is compromised by satellite reflections. i wonder if it may be possible to use any of the Spectrum Lab interpreter’s many features to weed them out? Probably it’s a case of exporting the results of the FFT calculations and processing them through another piece of software!
Regarding the horizontal lines, as I said I am close enough that a slight ‘lift’ will bring in the direct signal. I also get reflections from aircraft flying in and of the airports in the Dijon area which show very small doppler shifts. Sometimes higher flying aircraft moving at greater velocities show larger doppler shifts. The ‘dotted’ traces are due to the radar beam pattern switching direction every few seconds
I wouldn’t have thought there would be any beacons operating on or near to the GRAVES frequency but the software does vividly highlight any and all local interference! Recently my X10 mains switching system started becoming unreliable and I was able to pin down the culprit as a failing switch-mode PSU that was generating a lot of noise at 120kHz.