Steve Knight

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  • in reply to: Streetlights in Hampshire #579766
    Steve Knight

    I queried what was happening in Oxfordshire.

    Many thanks for your enquiry,  our current lighting policy is to use 3000K colour temperature LED’s on residential roads and 4000K on traffic routes (which is currently being reviewed as part of this project). Our policy is to dim street lights on residential roads by 50% light output from 22:00pm to 06:00am and traffic route to 75% light output from 00:00am to 06:00am.

    This is in Banbury. Not possible to turn lights off because I live in suburban environment.

    in reply to: Will Hay interview #579557
    Steve Knight

    Glad it was new to you Martin. Wondered if you’d seen it.


    in reply to: Ooops! #579303
    Steve Knight

    i see Professor Dunsby’s observation has been referenced in this paper.

    Steve Knight

    Missed the DVD at Astrofest, I’ll look out for it at Winchester.

    Here’s my video of totality through 70mm refractor in a field near Salem, Oregon. Used 550D, as you can see a mod’d camera, Univ retrospect a mistake but I wanted some nice red prominences. Everything else turned out red as well.

    Richard Fleet can be heard on audio as well as “Total Eclipse of the Heart'” blaring out on someone’s car stereo.

    in reply to: John Wall (1932-2018) #579088
    Steve Knight

    Sorry, did not upload. Tries again.

    in reply to: John Wall (1932-2018) #579085
    Steve Knight

    Wish I’d met him.

    For those of you who do not want to make Murdoch any richer here is the obituary.

    in reply to: Comet 45P Honda-Mrkos-Padusakova #577783
    Steve Knight

    Embarassed to post this very inferior image but I was pleased to capture it with only a 1 second exposure through a 70mm f6 refractor.

    No tracking available hence the short exposure.

    Observed from a windy hilltop on Jan 2nd. Camera was a 6D. Image has been cropped, Theta Capricorni is at top.

Viewing 7 posts - 41 through 47 (of 47 total)