BAA Journal – Volume 133 Number 03 – June 2023

Backyard lunar mineral prospection, Part II: Measuring titanium in Mare Tranquillitatis - Mark Kidger & Juan José Godoy Carrera
Have your say on the future of the BAA Journal - James Dawson et al.
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Refereed Papers
- 157The opposition of Mars, 2020: Part I - Richard McKim
- 169BAA comet observations: magnitude parameters - Jonathan Shanklin
- 175Neptune in 2016–2017 - John Sussenbach
- 181Backyard lunar mineral prospection, Part II: Measuring titanium in Mare Tranquillitatis - Mark Kidger & Juan José Godoy Carrera
Notes and News
- 139From the President - David Arditti
- 140In brief - Philip Jennings
- 140Notice: New subscription rates - Graham Winstanley
- 140Have your say on the future of the BAA Journal - James Dawson et al.
- 141The 2023 total solar eclipse, Australia - Paul Luckas
- 142Detecting Io’s sodium emission spectroscopically - David Boyd
- 143Photograph: Supernova in Messier 101 - Gary Eason
- 144Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 147An astronomical day out in rural Cheshire - Jeremy Shears
- 148Auroral & noctilucent cloud activity, 2023 February 18 - April 20 - Sandra Brantingham
- 149Resolution of DSLR cameras from the last 20 years compared - Peter Anderson
- 150An interview with Dr Jenny Shipway - Marie-Louise Archer
- 152The Radio Astronomy Section in 2022 - John Cook
- 193Membership information
- 193New members
- 202Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 203Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2022–2023
The Archives
- 156From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 190From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 195More memories of Cicely M. Botley - Storm Dunlop
- 195Order of Merit for Sir Paul Nurse: correction - Anthony J. Kinder
BAA Updates
- 191BAA Solar Section Webinar, 2023 February 18 - Peter Meadows
- 200Sky notes for 2023 June & July - Nick Hewitt
Observers' Forum
- 196High-proper-motion stars - Callum Potter
- 198Delta Cephei’s companion variables - John Toone
- 188BAA Autumn Weekend Meeting, 2022 September 9–11 – ‘A Sun & its solar system’ - Ken Kennedy