A lunar dome north-east of the crater Schröter

In this study we examine a lunar dome identified using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Wide-angle Camera (LROC WAC) images, Selene-1 (Kaguya) and Clementine multispectral data, the Chandrayaan-1’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), and the LROC WAC-based GLD100 DTM.

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Short paper: Photometric and spectroscopic observations of the outburst of the symbiotic star AG Draconis between 2016 March and June

The symbiotic star AG Draconis experienced a double-peaked outburst of 0.6 magnitudes in 2016 April and May. Photometry and spectroscopy through the outburst showed the B-V colour index varying linearly with the V magnitude and enabled the temperature variation of the hot star to be calculated from the changing flux in the Hb and He II 4686Å emission lines.

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Saturn in 2000 − 2001

In 2000-2001 Saturn was extremely well-placed for observers at north temperate latitudes, coming to opposition on 2000 Nov 19, when its declination was +17°. This paper presents and analyses BAA observations for this apparition.

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The brighter comets of 2008

A report of the Comet Section (Director, 1990 − 2015: J. D. Shanklin). This report describes and analyses the observations of the brighter or more interesting comets discovered or at perihelion during 2008, concentrating on those with visual observations.

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Analysis of a Perseid fireball spectrum

Analysis is presented of a Perseid fireball spectrum recorded by videography on the night of 2013 August 12/13. Two significantly different spectra were obtained in one of the video frames, which we interpret as being due to an afterglow following an end flare of the fireball and emission from the surviving fragment.

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