The Revd Walter Bidlake of Crewe and Espin’s ‘dark nebulae’

The Revd Walter Bidlake was vicar of Crewe in Cheshire for some 21 years at the start of the 20th century. He was a keen amateur astronomer with an interest in celestial photography, and took photographs of the night sky in support of T. H. E. C. Espin’s search for dark nebulae in the Milky Way. This paper describes Bidlake’s astronomical activities and life, including a high profile libel case he brought.

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Spectroscopic observations of the bright RV Tauri variable R Scuti

A series of spectra of the RV Tauri star R Scuti taken as it rose from a deep minimum to a bright maximum during 2013 October and November reveals major changes taking place in the photosphere and outer atmosphere of the star. This may be the first such series of spectra and demonstrates the capability of amateur spectroscopy for studying these complex stars.

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The comets of 2002 (Part 1)

This report is the thirteenth in the annual series which gives for each comet: the discovery details, orbital data and general information, magnitude parameters and BAA Comet Section observations. The year was somewhat unusual with several bright comets.

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Analysis of lunar crater timings, 1842-2011

Crater timings are made during a total or partial lunar eclipse as the Moon slowly glides through the Earth’s central shadow cone, or umbra. We have gathered 22,539 observations made at 94 lunar eclipses since 1842 – the largest collection of crater and contact timings ever compiled. In this paper we analyse these timings to derive an improved characterisation of the umbra’s size, shape, and stability over time.

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