A seldom-reported lighting phenomenon in the Cichus-Weiss region of the Moon

A brief note in relation to a strange lighting effect captured during sunrise over the Cichus-Weiss region of the Moon by Thomas Gwyn Empy Elger in 1888. A comparable observation made by the author in 2009 is discussed and assessed against recent CCD imagery. These comparisons confirm that the effect which led to Elger’s report is repeated under comparable conditions, and his original hypothesis in relation to the nature of the feature can now be clarified.

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Thomas G.E. Elger — a Victorian populariser of selenography

A biographical sketch of the first Director of the Association’s Lunar Section, Thomas Gwyn Empy Elger (1836-1897). His diverse contributions to lunar studies are placed in context and reviewed against the backdrop of developments and advances in the subject during his lifetime. The methodology he consolidated and developed for amateur selenographical work during his Directorship is also discussed in relation to current studies.

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The brighter comets of 2004

This report describes and analyses observations of the brighter or interesting comets discovered or at perihelion during 2004, concentrating on those with visual observations. Details of other comets seen during the year may be found on the Section web page, though they have not been analysed to the same level.

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Harold Knox-Shaw and the Helwan Observatory

Harold Knox-Shaw worked at the Helwan Observatory, Egypt, from 1907 to 1924. The Observatory was equipped with a 30-inch (76 cm) reflector that was financed and constructed by the Birmingham industrialist, John Reynolds (1874-1949), to benefit from the clearer skies and more southerly latitude compared with Britain.

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A fireball over central Scotland on 2013 October 14

On the evening of 2013 October 14 several fireballs were reported over the British Isles. One was observed and imaged at 20:42 UTC over central Scotland and is notable for the smoke trail it deposited in the upper atmosphere. This trail persisted for at least 13 mins. and its evolution was recorded in a series of still images. This paper details the observations and provides an analysis based on the available imagery and witness reports. The possibility of a near simultaneous fireball over the Irish Sea is also discussed.

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Eta Aquarids 2013 − Dual-station meteor videography

NEMETODE, a network of low-light video cameras in Cheshire and West Yorkshire operated by members of the BAA Meteor Section, monitors the activity of meteor showers, enabling the precision measurement of radiant positions and, from the best quality data, the altitudes and geocentric velocities of meteors and their solar system orbits. The results from dual-station observations of the 2013 eta Aquarid shower are presented and discussed.

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The brighter comets of 2003

This report is the first of a new series that will describe and analyse observations of the brighter or more interesting comets discovered or at perihelion during the year.

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