The Messier objects

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
M101Galaxy7.9Ursa Major14h03m+54°20'
Pinwheel Galaxy, NGC 5457, Arp 26, UGC 8981, PGC 50063
169 images »
Spindle Galaxy
9 images »
M103Open cluster7.4Cassiopeia01h33m+60°39'
NGC 581, Cr 14, Mel 8
6 images »
Sombrero Galaxy, NGC 4594, UGCA 293, PGC 42407
34 images »
NGC 3379, UGC 5902, PGC 32256
11 images »
M106Galaxy9.3Canes Venatici12h18m+47°18'
NGC 4258, UGC 7353, PGC 39600
39 images »
M107Globular cluster7.8Ophiuchus16h32m-13°03'
NGC 6171, Mel 148
7 images »
M108Galaxy10.1Ursa Major11h11m+55°40'
NGC 3556, UGC 6225, PGC 34030
24 images »
M109Galaxy9.9Ursa Major11h57m+53°22'
NGC 3992, UGC 6937, PGC 37617
8 images »
NGC 205, UGC 426, PGC 2429
34 images »
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