Thanks entirely to James Fraser I have recently acquired a copy of the video ‘A Line to the Sun’, which was originally a 1973 16mm film made of the infamous Transolar Travel/BAA cruise to the coastal waters off Mauritania, to observe ‘The Eclipse of the Century’. Although a Sky at Night with clips from that trip still survives (see Dave Scanlan’s UK Astronomy youtube channel for that), I had given up hope that I’d ever see the ‘Line to the Sun’ film itself. The quality, sound and vision, leaves much to be desired compared to 2016 HD TV standards, but even so, it is a nostalgic recording of many BAA folk of that era. Apart from (of course!) Patrick, the film has videos of many others who were prominent in the 1970s BAA. These include the voice of Gordon Taylor, plus Howard Miles, Ron Maddison, Henry Hatfield, Bill Granger (!), and quite a few others…..
Due to the less than brilliant combination of BT and Suffolk Broadband cables I have uploaded the film in 4 chunks, all of which are now on Youtube…. Without James Fraser’s generosity this would not have been possible…..
Anyway, for anyone wanting a shot of pure BAA 1970s nostalgia, the first chunk can be found at the link below, and the other 3 parts are the most recently uploaded videos to my channel.