This is an IOTA event with a target magnitude of 11.7, magnitude drop 1.1 and maximum duration of 15 seconds at a helpful pre-midnight time ( 2339-2342 BST ) and at a good altitude in Perseus. So a lot in its favour with the prospect of positive chords over a wide area of England, Wales and northern Europe. Observations are invited, weather permitting of course. Moonlight might interfere a bit, but no too much i hope.
It would be worth while to observe this prediction from all parts of the UK, to detect any secondary events that might be caused by a satellite, although none are currently known.
Its a potential visual target and certainly for video or CMOS cameras, or a star trail in a fixed instrument. The prepoint method can be used to find the star. Center the telescope on 7 Trianguli and wait 46 minutes. The target should then be close to the field center. ( RA target, 03h 02′ ; RA 7-Tri, 02h 16′ – epoch of date).
Best of luck ! – Tim.