(7102) Neilbone

Forums Asteroids (7102) Neilbone

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  • #574890
    Tim Haymes

    I was browsing predictions further north and i see the asteroid named for the late Neil Bone is occulting a v12.6 star on night Feb 26/27 at 0124h 30s UT.  (7102) was the subject of “Project Neil Bone” a low phase angle study in 2010.  https://britastro.org/sites/default/files/Bone.pdf


    Some locations close to the mid-path are:  Kilmarnock, Keilder Observatory, Morpeth.  The path width is about 30km and the star is UCAC4 532-043864.   RA/Dec (2000) 07:57:51 +16:19:09,  R-mag 12.1.  Maximum duration is given as about 2 seconds.

    Observers in the vicinity might care to look for the star disappearing briefly as the dim asteroid passes across. Those further a field between the red lines also have a chance. The uncertainty is in the orbital elements of the asteroid.

    Clear skies….

    (ARPS – Occs)
    Map credit – Occultwatcher software and Google maps, prediction by J.Talbot using Occult4.



    In addition to the occultation of NeilBone I notice that there is an occultation by our very own (4522) Britastra coming up. UCAC4 407-070264 (Mag 12.8) is occulted on 1/4/2021 at 02:54. There is a drop of 4.6 Mag for 2.7 secs Unfortunately the very gibbous moon is only 26 deg away. The track extends from Brighton through Norwich and off into the North Sea. (Details from the planned observations feed to OccultWatcher software).

    Alex Pratt

    First chords observed across asteroid (7102) Neilbone

    The European SODIS database (Stellar Occultation Data Input System) now lists two observations of chord timings across asteroid (7102) Neilbone. They were obtained from Switzerland on August 19 and France on September 7. This main-belt asteroid has a diameter of ~22 km, so it’s a challenge to obtain multi-chord observations of the same event.

    These chords will help to confirm its diameter and will provide high-quality astrometry to refine its orbit.

    Neil (1959 – 2009) was well-known in UK astronomy as a keen and knowledgeable observer and a publiciser of many branches of astronomy, and in particular aurorae, NLC and meteors – he served as BAA Meteor Section Director (1992 – 2009).


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Alex Pratt. Reason: First chords
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