Asteroid timing accuracy

Forums Asteroids Asteroid timing accuracy

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  • #613338
    Dr Paul Leyland

    T Marshall Eubanks tweeted this a few minutes ago and I suggest that should be of interest to BAA observers.

    The second International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) Timing Campaign will check the accuracy of observation times reported by observers of near-Earth asteroid 2005 LW3 on Nov. 23th / 24th, 2022, when it will be as close as 3 lunar distances to Earth.

    I will give it a go if I am back in Tacande on that date. Note that it should be a decent altitude after dark at the longitude of western Europe and the Canaries on 24th November. For me it will at the zenith at 20221124T2230 and predicted to be V=13.7

    Philip Denyer

    Paul, the link appears to be missing a 3 at the end. I believe this is the correct format

    Dr Paul Leyland

    My apologies. A cut & paste error which I failed to spot. Thanks for posting the correction.

    Nick James

    You don’t need to wait for a fast moving NEO to pass by. I regularly check my timing accuracy by doing astrometry of GPS satellites as explained by Bill Gray here:

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Nick James.
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