BAA song

Forums General Discussion BAA song


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  • #621301
    Steve Knight

    I was pleased to read the lyrics of the BAA song in the Feb 1924 edition of the journal.

    Perhaps it is time to resurrect it at Winchester Weekend?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Steve Knight.
    Duncan Hale-Sutton

    Yes, definitely resurrect it. Brilliant!

    Grant Privett

    Sempiternal is my new word learned today.

    I did go to a Comprehensive.

    Alan Dowdell

    I wonder if I can get a volunteer to give give it a try
    I will be willing to buy them a drink in the bar on the Saturday night


    Gary Poyner

    Why don’t we all try it in the bar on Saturday night? The tune is well know. Sounds like a choral hit to me, rather than a solo.


    Pauline Phillips

    I will need a few gins inside me first…

    Dr Paul Leyland

    Everyone else would need ear protection if I were to join in.

    Only dogs like my singing; they howl along with me.

    Jeremy Shears

    Why don’t we all try it in the bar on Saturday night? The tune is well know. Sounds like a choral hit to me, rather than a solo.


    Sounds like an expensive round for Alan!

    Lars Lindhard

    Will this meeting be on Zoom or livestreamed to YouTube?

    Or better yet be recorded so everyone can enjoy the singing 🙂

    Gary Poyner

    Winchester weekends have never been streamed live or recorded in the past, so it’s unlikely you’ll get to experience this if you don’t attend – if it ever happens of course! Just maybe though, someone might record it on their phone and post here.


    David Arditti

    OK, I’ve given this a go, and I found the words are extremely difficult to fit to the tune, especially the final line of each quatrain. The secret is to put the main stresses there on the B of ‘British’ and the A of ‘Association’. The final word has to be sung ‘As-so-ci-a-tion’, not, as printed in 1924, ‘Associ-a-ti-on’

    To get a unified rendition of it, with a group, one would need to print up an accented copy of the words, similar to what church choirs use for singling psalms.

    It would work best, exactly as the report says, with one person singing all the words, and the rest joining in only on the choruses consisting of repeats of the last pair of lines in each quatrain.

    If people are serious about this, I’ll offer to conduct a rehearsal.

    Nick James

    Sadly, I’ll miss Winchester again this year so you’ll be denied the experience of my G&S baritone but please record this if it goes ahead. It should be a hoot. Something to feature in the next Christmas Sky Notes.

    Lars Lindhard

    Maybe you could make a CD to be sent out with the next journal?

    I am ready to participate in a crowd funding 🙂

    David Arditti

    I’ve had a further think about this, and decided we are not going to do it in a drunken manner in a bar, we are going to make as good a job of it as possible. I’ve put it on the agenda for Sunday afternoon at Winchester, and the words will be printed in the programme.

    Nick James

    David – Are you sure that is the best idea? It is a well-known fact that people are a lot less inhibited in bars which is why you don’t often see decent karaoke anywhere else. Perhaps you could do both. A formal concert version and a bootleg B-side bar version.

    David Arditti

    It is possible to reduce undesirable inhibition through methods other than alcohol, Nick, and other inhibitions had best not be reduced. We want to remain in Sparsholt College’s good books.

    Nick James

    I doubt very much that a few singing astronomers will rank very highly on that bar’s rowdy meter. It’s a student bar for farmers…

    Peter Carson

    ….and people suggest the BAA is full of eccentrics. It appears tame now compared to 1924.

    Alex Pratt

    The average age at a Winchester Weekend is nearer to 81 than 18, so a bar room brawl is rather unlikely… 🙂


    David Arditti

    Performance now live:

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