Hi Alex,
We are in discussions with the venue to try to get the talks recorded. I think this is likely but not completely guaranteed.
They are definitely not going to be on Zoom or livestreamed to YouTube. What we are working on is the venue making the recording, then sending this to us afterwards for editing and adding to the BAA YouTube channel.
Best wishes,
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Andy Wilson.
I have received confirmation from the venue that they successfully made the recordings, apart from a problem with the slides not being recorded at the start. They are hoping to be able to fix this. They need to get everything together and make some edits, with an expected timeframe of a week or two before they are with us to add to the BAA YouTube channel.
The meeting recording has now gone live on the BAA YouTube channel. If you watch it directly on YouTube then you will be able to jump to each of the talks using the time links in the event description. https://youtu.be/9vNO2gI3RVA
Unfortunately the slides are not properly displayed on the recording until 15 minutes into the meeting. We were hoping to have this fixed but unfortunately it has not proved to be possible.
Best wishes,
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Andy Wilson.