Call for observations: Jupiter Trojan (2241) Alcathous

Forums Asteroids Call for observations: Jupiter Trojan (2241) Alcathous


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  • #611889
    Tim Haymes

    Hello All,

    This is a call for observations of this ERC Lucky-Star asteroid occultation prediction. The star is 12m.4 at an altitude of 23 deg in azimuth 195deg, and Alcathous is predicted to occult the star at 0005 +/- 1 min BST on night Aug 11/12. (2305 UT on the 11th). Maximum duration is 9 seconds. Depending on equipment etc, a frame rate of 5 to 10fps would work or a CCD drift scan. Timed recordings very welcome, and all data gratefully received.

    The Trojan itself at m16 should be detect in 10s of seconds if moonlight allows, but not in the video recording. The star should wink out.

    (2241) Alcathous is a Jupiter Trojan with diameter about 71 miles. The star is at RA 19 16 39.9, Dec -12 58 57.2 (J2000). Observers in the region from Gloucester in the South to Lancaster the North are in the best position. Maps can be found at both these links:

    The prediction are:

    Good luck – Tim
    (ARPS occultaton subsection)

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Tim Haymes.
    Tim Haymes

    UPDATE: The occultation was successfully observed by the Asteroids and Remote Planets Section in the UK. It was a good prediction with a small path shift to the south and within the errors expected. If anyone else made a recording or observed the event, please send us a report – thanks very much.

    Congratulation to all observes – Tim

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