I was lucky enough to be able to install a second hand glass fibre Pulsar 2.1m dome last June. But now it needs a clean.
The northern side seems to have gained a green algal covering, which comes off pretty easily with soapy hot water, an old tea towel and some rubbing. No problem.
On the southern side there is far less green, but thousands of small grey patches 2-6mm across – which I assume are the start of lichen. They are really quite difficult to get off and even when rubbed hard I generally end up with a small ring. There are also plenty on the slit top – a popular pigeon resting place – but on the northern side they are fewer and smaller.
As the domes are gel coated, abrasives seem a bad move but I have wondered about using a jet washer with a 3ft standoff. How do others cope with this problem?
I wonder if its best to wash the domes after rain so the lichen are already saturated and possibly softer. Would a mould killer help?