Comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak nears the Owl

Forums Comets Comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak nears the Owl

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  • #573714
    Peter Carson

    I thought I’d get started early on Nick’s comet observing challenge. (See news notes on the home page) Earlier this morning Comet 41P appeared in the same field of view as M97, the Owl nebula, using my 100mm refractor and DSLR. I had intended to get a picture of 41P, M97 and M108 centrally located in the field of view but seemed to have misjudged the position of galaxy M108 and nearly lost it off the edge of the frame! Yesterday evening I could visually pick up 41P from my light polluted location using a 200mm aperture and noted its similarity to the Owl nebula.

    Martin Mobberley

    Hello Peter,

    Nice pic! I took a remote image at 0941-0944 UT via itel New Mexico. I’ve uploaded it to the Member Pages section. The field is too narrow to squeeze M97 in, but M108 & the comet fitted inside OK. It’s also available at:


    Jeremy Shears

    Hello Peter and Martin,

    great to see you both quick off the mark with the latest Observer’s Challenge. Good to see the images on your Members Pages too!


    Nick James

    Nice images. Being the Comet Section director you’d think I would know what I was doing when it comes to observing comets but I’m not so sure. I’d made a reservation on one of the iTelescope scopes to get the M108 conjunction and was surprised at lunchtime that I hadn’t received any notification that an image was waiting. On investigation this was becuase I’d made the reservation for tomorrow! Damned timezones…

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