Historical Section Activity

Forums History Historical Section Activity

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  • #621987
    Bill Barton

    Historical Section News 29 has just been published. If you are not on our distribution list, but would like to receive section publications then please contact us to join.

    Free booking has also opened for our 2024 Section Meeting. See future events for details.

    Mike Frost & Bill Barton.

    Gary Drouin

    Greetings, I’m a new member and have tried to
    join the section online. The contact the director doesn’t seem to work. Just hangs after hitting the submit button.
    Can you help please.
    Gary Drouin


    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for your interest in the Historical Section, and sorry to hear you can’t use the “Contact the Director” button. It usually works (I get regular correspondence via this route), so I’ll take this up with the WebOps team.

    I don’t really want to advertise my email address on a public forum. But you can find it inside the back cover of the Journal, or in back editions of the section newsletter, which you can find at https://britastro.org/document_folder/baa-document-store/sections/historical-section/newsletters

    Drop me (or Bill) an email and we’ll add you to our mailing list.

    And hope to see you at our next section meeting on May 18th https://britastro.org/event/historical2024


    Mike Frost

    Historical Section director

    Andy Wilson

    Hi Gary,
    I suspect I know what is going on. I just sent a couple of test messages and those appeared to work.
    The website forms have inbuilt spam protection. This was added last year as the Section Directors were receiving lots of spam, probably generated by bots activating the website form. Occasionally something in a genuine message can trigger the spam filter. Typically a link or phrase. So that would be my guess.
    The other possibility is it was browser compatibility or a momentary connection issue. If you let me know which browser you use I can give that a test.
    Best wishes,

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by Andy Wilson.
    Gary Drouin

    Will do, thank you Mike

    Gary Drouin

    Thank you Andy, I’ll communicate via E-mail. Im in Canada using Apple Safari.

    Andy Wilson

    Hi Gary,
    I have just tested the contact the Historical Section Director form on Safari on a Mac and it worked fine. I think it must have been something in your message triggering the spam prevention.
    Best wishes,

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