Images and attachments to forum posts

Forums Website News and Help Images and attachments to forum posts

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  • #608994
    Nick James

    It seems that images and attachments to forum posts are only visible to users who are logged in. Was this a conscious decision by the web design team? If so, what was the reasoning behind it?

    In the past some of our forum posts have turned up quite high in Google searches since they contain information that may not be available elsewhere. It would be a shame to hide this material from non-members, particularly since one of our objectives is to inform and educate the general public.

    Could this be changed please?

    Could I also ask that we don’t make file size limits too small or or types too restrictive. If people feel that the cost of storage or bandwidth on the website could become an issue it would be good to discuss what might be possible.

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by Nick James.
    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by Nick James.
    Dominic Ford

    Hi Nick,

    This was not a conscious decision, and I agree it’s a bug. What’s happening is that we are rolling out off-the-shelf solutions – which typically come with default restrictions which may not be appropriate to the BAA – and then looking at what configuration changes we need to make.

    This iterative process may move a little slower than many would like, since we currently have around 30 open bug reports and a relatively small team working through them. But I have passed your feedback on to the relevant individual who I’m sure will get it fixed as soon as he can.



    Nick James

    Thanks for explaining that Dominic. I know that a huge amount of work has gone into the new site and it will take some time to iron out the problems but I didn’t know whether this was by design or not.

    Dr Paul Leyland

    Nick and I have recently been discovering what can and can not be attached to forum posts.
    The only information provided seems to be that an attachment must not be larger than 4MB.

    Please could we have a statement of what is allowed and what is not? Experiment seems to show that text files are not permitted.


    Callum Potter

    Will look into it.


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