Issues using BAA Photometry Spreadsheet to calculate based on AIJ data file

Forums Photometry Issues using BAA Photometry Spreadsheet to calculate based on AIJ data file

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  • #621763
    Les Brand

    I have recently joined the Variable Star section. I have successfully used ASTAP to create a valid format file for uploading (BAAVSS and AAVSO).
    However, I also use AstroImageJ and I have struggled (so far) in using the BAA Photometry Spreadsheet 2.11 to convert the AIJ measurements table into the BAA required format.
    The AIJ measurements file appears to be imported into the AIJ tab of BAA_Photometry_Spreadsheet_2.11.xlsm ok but the Calculation and Results tabs do not seem to want to update any details and leave the pre-existing WASP example data.
    Some fields in the BAAVSS and AAVSO calculated tabs have data from my AIJ measurement table but most fields appear to have old WASP data

    The BAA VSS database manager, Andrew Wilson has been very helpful but suggested I reach out to the community

    I wonder if there’s any members who are experienced in using AIJ with the BAA Photometry Spreadsheet who might be able to assist in a walk-through as I suspect I’m doing something fundamentally wrong (eg via a Zoom call or other method)?

    Relevant files attached for info.
    Many thanks

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Les Brand. Reason: missing file
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Les Brand. Reason: missing file
    Les Brand

    Why is this topic marked as spam?

    Les Brand

    Looks like the forum won’t allow me to upload the BAA_Photometry_Spreadsheet_2.22.xlsm…possibly since it contains macros?

    Andy Wilson

    Hi Les,
    Correct. Macros and other files that can execute code can be used as computer viruses, so anything like that will be blocked.
    Just to add some background to BAA members who might be able to help. I developed the initial version of the photometry spreadsheet. It was then adapted to work with AIJ. As I don’t use AIJ there is only so much I can suggest, as it appears to be either a difference in the measurements file output by AIJ, or something causing NaN (not a number) in the file.
    Best wishes,

    Mark Phillips

    I think I had similar issues with AIJ and the spreadsheet in the past which is why I also use ASTAP now. Although AIJ is useful for graphing light curves it’s not so “friendly” as ASTAP for other tasks. The easy AAVSO/BAAVSS report output from ASTAP wins it for me.
    Sorry I can’t help on the AIJ/spreadsheet issue.

    john simpson

    Hello Les,

    I use AIJ without problems for polarimetry mostly, but have also used for photometry also without problems with an earlier version of the BAA spreadsheet. Can’t claim to be an expert though, but can try to help. Just wondering why your measurement file has ALT_OBJ as NaN but AIRMASS OK, presume your use of DP Coordinate Converter and call to SIMBAD was OK. You can specify that ALT_OBJ should be decimal in aperture settings keyword tab in AIJ – perhaps check it’s there in the header (apologies if you’ve tried all of these already). I don’t know if the presence of NaN anywhere in the data would be enough to cause a problem in BAA spreadsheet even if that piece of data unused. Anyway, my email john-dot-jean-dot-simpson-at-gmail-dot-com.

    john s

    Les Brand

    Hi John,
    I do have some NaN under various fields. I didn’t use AIJ DP for data reduction (I actually used ASTAP to get calibrated science frames) so not sure if the DP Coordinate Converter module was used. I don’t see ALT_OBJ in the Fits header but I have since checked the aperture settings keywords and used the default ones suggested in AIJ doc (JD_SOBS,JD_UTC,HJD_UTC,BJD_TDB,ALT_OBJ,AIRMASS,CCD-TEMP,EXPTIME,RAOBJ2K,DECOBJ2K) – again resulting in some NaN presumably since some don’t exist in the FIits header. I will try to use the CCD DP module to edit/enable those keywords – didn’t realise I would need to do this!
    I’ll email you separately to connect and maybe follow up if that’s ok
    Thanks, Les

    Les Brand

    I just ran CCD DP tool with FITS header enabled and the Coordinate COnverter tool set up for the target and obsy location.
    So no NaNs in the measurements table and BAAVSS spreadsheet worked fine

    Thanks for those hints John!


    Kwong Man

    I also used ASTAP to platesolve some files and align them. I then ran them through AIJ. I think I got some NaN columns. What is NaN stand for ? I tried submitting a AIJ data via the BAA spreadsheet.xlsm but it mentioned there was an error (?NaN) and it did load some AIJ data in a sheet but did not create more graphs and the old WASP-1b data stayed in most of the sheets.

    Did you solve via this problem by the CCD DP tool and enable FITS header and the coordinate converter tool set up for the target and obsy location – is the obsy location the location of the telescope where it was imaged ?


    Kwong Man

    Can someone advise what I am doing wrong – there are some NaN in some of the columns to the left, such as JD_SOBS,HJD_UTC,BJD_TDB,ALT_OBJ,RAOBJ2K

    I think my data looks quite sound apart from this, do you agree ?

    What does this mean and can I get this data from my original FITS files?

    I used ASTAP for science – plate solve and align.
    I then ran 8 files in AIJ (used CCD DP tool).


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