Back in May, I posted a question about refocussing meteor cameras.
A couple of days ago I noticed that the focus of my camera was getting quite soft again, and gave it another round of refocusing.
I was wondering whether the hot weather had made it go out of focus, and to test this I had a look back at the past data. I’m using a cheap zoom CCTV lens, so I tried plotting a graph of the field-of-view of the camera over time. This graph is calculated by using to plate-solve the camera’s images each night. Each red dot represents a single clear night when I was able to record enough stars to get a fix on the camera’s pointing.

Seems to be an interesting long-term trend here. I guess my camera is going out of focus because the daily temperature cycling (or possibly vibration) is causing it to very gradually zoom in. Possibly I should glue the zoom control…