On the morning of 19 February 2020, the 91 kilometre diameter asteroid (83) Beatrix (12th magnitude) occulted the 11.4 magnitude star TYC 1945-00656-1 at 01:38:58 UT viewed from Loughborough, UK.
I followed the occultation from about two minutes before occultation to over 2 hours after. Images were taken with a Tamron 70-300 mm lens with a Canon 1100D, fixed to a Sky Watcher Star Adventurer. Over 300 x 25 second images (ISO 3200) were collected in sequence with only a second or two gap between each exposure. They were filtered down to 216 images by viewing all images and manually rejecting those badly affected by wind.
Here are a few cropped images of the asteroid-star pairing, and separating away from the star. Raw grey scale crops. Times (hrs UTC): (15s, ISO 6400), 01:36 and (25s, ISO 3200): 02:29, 02:55 and 03:49, 19/2/2020. The composite stack (in colour) shows the faint asteroid 2hr 13 min trail attached to the star TYC 1945-00656-1.