I’ve uploaded a presentation to youtube based on a talk Patrick gave about lunar vulcanism on 1984 June 2. My audio cassette was almost beyond hope when I first played it, but a bit of processing cleaned the sound up a little bit. I still had to add subtitles to make it bearable though…..and this involved 10,000 words over 50 minutes! I’ve inserted slides which Patrick either used, or which are of the same craters…… The end result is very clunky, but it does give an impression of what one of his pro-vulcanism talks was like to attend. Denis Buczynski was the meeting chairman and can be heard at a few points. This was one of the many talks Patrick gave to BAA affiliated societies during his Presidency, which ended just four months later. It was a joint BAA Lunar Section/Affiliated Society talk, but the only people who travelled from southern England to Lancaster& Morecambe to be there were myself, Patrick, and Andrew Elliott! Patrick, Denis and myself were the only Lunar Section committee members there!
The subtitled audio/slideshow can be found here: