David Swan

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  • in reply to: potentially bright supernova in NGC3254 #580565
    David Swan

    K Itagaki’s latest image on David Bishop’s site puts the SN brightness at around 13.6 (clear filter, presumably V mag zeropoint).

    Unfortunately there’s been quite poor weather in NE England recently – with just snatches of clear sky – so I haven’t been able to get at this object.

    in reply to: Sky and Telescope #580564
    David Swan

    That’s a quite reasonable comment. Some issues are great, others not. I like Sue French’s deep sky bit, as she highlights stuff that looks good to amateur visual observers who do not have a giant Dobsonian.

    in reply to: Sky and Telescope #580555
    David Swan

    Yes, very curious. I might mention it to Bob King on his web page on the eclipse.

    in reply to: Which planet is closest to Earth ? #580550
    David Swan

    Sorry for being a party pooper with the link, Jack. I think you have raised an interesting topic for discussion and I wanted to put here the link to the programme for anyone who is interested.

    There are several issues here aren’t there – for example about how one interprets a loose statement like ‘Mars, our nearest neighbour’ that was used on the Sky at Night. Of course, as people have pointed out, ‘which planet can get closest to Earth?’ is a quite different question to ‘which planet is most often the closest to Earth?’, and indeed ‘which planet is closest to Earth now (or indeed any specified time)?’.

    Revealingly, Chris Lintott, an accomplished astrophysicist, checked that Mars was closer than Venus at the time of broadcast, but didn’t even think to check the distance to Mercury at that time. I am not saying any of you are guilty of this, but I think we can probably say that many people will just think of the sequence of orbital ellipses around the sun and conclude ‘it must be either Venus or Mars, mustn’t it.’

    Also interesting is that (I hope I recall this correctly) the programme researchers looked through articles around this topic and found that there wasn’t anything published on this question. On something so simple, this is very interesting.

    P.S. I second Jeremy’s point about More or Less. I subscribe to the podcast.  I was hooting with laughter as Tim Harford took a nutritionist to task about the difference between ‘facts’ and what might be ‘good policy’ – relating to data on sugar consumption over time.

    in reply to: Sky and Telescope #580553
    David Swan

    Hi Alex – I’m a Geordie ;).

    Just a bit of a fun observation. They’ve obviously corrected the figure for the web; here’s the print version. How does this happen? Surely they just use stock maps.


    in reply to: Which planet is closest to Earth ? #580545
    David Swan

    Indeed there are different average measures.

    If you put all the days of a randomly chosen year in a hat, pull one out, and then have to guess which planet is closest to us on that day: Mercury would be the wisest choice.

    Yes, I listened to this section on the BBC’s More or Less


    in reply to: Transient AT2018cow #580519
    David Swan

    In case anyone is interested, there is an article in Sky and Telescope on the mysterious ‘Cow’ transient that appeared six months ago. Therein are further links to the research literature (Open Access).


    in reply to: Comet 46P Wirtenan – visibility #580515
    David Swan

    I agree with Andrew and Owen. For me, I found that once it had moved over the north sea into dark skies, I could star hop to it using binos.  It has a very diffuse appearance which responds to averted vision. I have also used GOTO with my C8 and looked at it with my Televue 32mm plossl. Not an impressive object visually, but there.

    in reply to: Dew heater from a remote site with car. #580444
    David Swan

    I would suggest that you get a >10Ah power pack manufactured by Celestron or SkyWatcher or such like. Just check that it has the right 12V output sockets for your dew heater straps (but I expect you know this!).

    I have a Celestron lithium mini-tank also – it is useful for illumination and USB charging, but no good for the more demanding peripherals!

    in reply to: another amateur comet discovery #580432
    David Swan

    Thanks for the chart, Nick. One to follow at least – even if fireworks don’t arise.

    in reply to: Animated GIFs #580416
    David Swan

    Dominic, our wizard on all things IT (and other subjects), reported a while back that animated gifs are not supported on this site. You might be pleased to know though that the comet archive does support animated gifs. Michael Jaeger’s swooshing comet tails are a regular feature there. David S


    in reply to: SN2018oh featured on Sky and Telescope website #580404
    David Swan

    Good stuff, Robin. Kepler was a very productive craft, including in its second phase of operations.

    in reply to: Spectrum of Comet 46P/Wirtanen #580376
    David Swan

    Nice spectra, both. It is good to hear Robin that you can subtract the contribution of airglow and light pollution – if only we could all do that for all observation modalities! The comet is rapidly moving out of the worst light pollution for me and is now a) not a problem to locate in binoculars (albeit not impressive visually) b) a good imaging target with an extended coma within reach of my camera. I get a mag of 5, which is very close to Nick’s value (4.9).

    in reply to: Christmas meeting Livestream #580358
    David Swan

    Thanks to all the speakers and the technical people who put the material online – and of course the organisers too. David Swan

    in reply to: SN 2018ivc in M77 #580293
    David Swan

    Hello James. I am a fan of imaging transients and noticed this one a few days ago on David Bishop’s website. IMHO it certainly is worth flagging this on the forum – as a (visible) PSN or SN in a Messier object does not occur that frequently. Great image! The weather where I am is atrocious. David

    in reply to: NASA InSight #580290
    David Swan

    (Laughs) I had to look up ‘Calima’ – I gather a hot dusty wind not unknown at La Palma.

    in reply to: new visual comet discovery by Don Machholz #580255
    David Swan

    Peter Carson has managed to capture a much better image (see his member’s page). Nonetheless, under poor conditions (wind ESE – straight from sea towards scope (!), and lots of condensation on the corrector in misty air) I acquired five reasonably steady frames. Comphot estimate: mag 10.4 in photometric aperture of diameter 130arcsec – but take this with a pinch of salt.

    in reply to: new visual comet discovery by Don Machholz #580233
    David Swan

    Am I imagining things, or are there two tails in this image?

    in reply to: new visual comet discovery by Don Machholz #580226
    David Swan

    As Nick has said, the orbit is obviously very well determined. I updated MPCORB in Astrometrica, and the comet was spot on the predicted position.

    in reply to: new visual comet discovery by Don Machholz #580225
    David Swan

    DDP tends to bloat the stars and make them furry. Here’s a clearer image with the ion tail quite distinct. 12 x 10s, midpoint 05:14:30.

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