Denis Buczynski

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  • in reply to: Viewing Venus in the daytime this morning. #580640
    Denis Buczynski

    As a complete side track to this issue. I wonder if Phillip or Mike have ever visited the Temple Observatory at Rugby School. It houses one of the first Alvan Clark refractors. I visited there in the 1980’s and I understand the observatory (telescope) has had some refurbishment work done recently. Any information wold be useful.


    in reply to: Viewing Venus in the daytime this morning. #580630
    Denis Buczynski

    When I was younger in my 30’s I was able, on many occasions in the afternoon whilst the Sun was well up not at dusk, to look in a clear sky in the area of sky where I knew Venus was located and see it quite easily Once located it could be seen again for the rest of the afternoon if it stayed clear. My eyesight was good then, not so good now though. I seem to remember that I could see  about 13 stars in the Pleiades.I have never been able to see  Mercury with the unaided eye in the daytime but occasionally Jupiter coud be seen in really clear daytime skies. I remember the afternoon of the day after the SL9 impact pointing my telescope at Jupiter during the daytime, without circles or goto, just pointing the finder at Jupiter, which I could see with my naked eye, then to get an unexpected surprise when I looked through the eyepiece and saw the jaw dropping sight of the impact scars on Jupiter.

    Denis Buczynski

    in reply to: 2018 – how was it for you? #580461
    Denis Buczynski

    Hello all, I was able to observe on around 100 nights in 2018, this does not include the months of June Aand July where bright all night twilight stops me observing.So around a third of the nights have been used for observation this is simliar to other years I have been at Tarbatness. I reported 1540 astrometric postions of comets to MPC. An average of 3 positions for each comet gives around 500 comets (many are the the same comet observed on different nights). My two automatic meteors cameras (12mm and 3.8mm fl) recorded at total of 4891 meteors. Strangely there was only 1 digit differnce between the two cameras over the year (2445 , 2446).

    Observational astronomy is a nice pass-time isn’t it?

    Denis Buczynski

    in reply to: Taylor’s telescope #580430
    Denis Buczynski

    I seem to remember that visual double star measurments were the main use for this telescope, am I correct/ it is a dual reflecting telecope with 12 and 10 inch mirrors mounted in parallel fashion.

    in reply to: new visual comet discovery by Don Machholz #580204
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Helen, here is a preliminary ephemeris by Nakano published on CBET 4569

    Nakano provides the following preliminary ephemeris for the comet:

    2018 TT R.A. (2000) Decl. Delta r
    Nov. 5 12 06.22 -02 26.5 1.549 1.013
    6 12 10.91 -02 21.2 1.549 1.012
    7 12 15.60 -02 15.7 1.550 1.011
    8 12 20.29 -02 10.2 1.550 1.011
    9 12 24.97 -02 04.6 1.551 1.012
    10 12 29.64 -01 59.0 1.552 1.012
    11 12 34.30 -01 53.3 1.553 1.013
    12 12 38.95 -01 47.6 1.555 1.014
    13 12 43.59 -01 41.8 1.556 1.015
    14 12 48.22 -01 36.0 1.558 1.017
    15 12 52.84 -01 30.2 1.560 1.019

    in reply to: Longest focal length eyepiece #580033
    Denis Buczynski

    Hello all,

    Talk of large eyepieces made me think of the thread on Antique Telescope Forum about the Great Melbourne Telescope and the low power eyepiece used on it. Here is a picture of the eyepiece with a field lens of 8 inch diameter! That is a large eyepiece.

    in reply to: Upright supports for rool off roof out-runners #579744
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Erik,

    Why do you need to adjust the uprights for levelling. Just use bolt down supports like these from Wicks (4″x4″) and cut them the correct length and use a long spirit level to get them true before fixing them. I have used these on a good few observatories that I have built over the years without problems.

    Best of luck.


    in reply to: Comet C/2017 S3 PANSTARRS #579741
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Gary,

    Great image of this comet in outburst. Lovely colour image with plenty of the tail detail recorded. I have saved this image for inclusion in the BAA Comet Archive. It would be appreciated if you would send any further comet images you take to thie BAA Comet Section at

    Denis Buczynski Secretary BAA Comet Section

    in reply to: Photo of Frank McClean #579622
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Jack,

    I do not see a picture of McClean in my copy of Analysis of Starlight, only descriptions of his work.Jeremy’s request was for a reference to a picture of him.Attached is a picture of him from the PDF I referred to in my earlier post.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Photo of Frank McClean #579619
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Jeremy, There is a thumbnail image of Frank McClean in this PDF
    Denis Buczynski

    in reply to: Maurice Gavin #579593
    Denis Buczynski

    Sad sad news. Maurice was a pioneer for amateurs a great observer and always a pleasure to work with. Nick James and my self were able to confirm his SN discovery in 2011 , he was pleased about that. His London home observatory was always active and ever changing as he incorporated new technology as it became available. he will be sorely missed by all in the BAA who knew him. Rip Maurice.

    Denis Buczynski

    in reply to: Nova in Perseus #579477
    Denis Buczynski

    I have been able to get observations on a good few nights since outburst occurred. I can get to the area of sky where it is located but it is in bright twilight for me here at Tarbatness. The 15th mag companion star just to the north of the nova is now showing on my images. Just to blow my own trumpet I got a reference in that Darnley/ Starrfield paper as being one of the first to report photometry. I seem to have good luck with getting onto nova quickly after outburst is announced.

    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Adam,

    I don’t know if I can help but I have a series of my own drawings of Saturn made during the edgeways ring plane passege of 1980. The moons are identified on 7 of my drawings. If these are of any use I can scan them and email them to you. Let me know.


    in reply to: Roy Panther #579378
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Eric,

    I never watched the programme, although I knew about it. I will catch it at some point on utube. One disapointing aspect of the aftermath of Roy passing was that no one seems to have rescued any of his own build telescopes, including the 10 inch with which he made his comet discovery, nor any of his astronomical papers etc. Surely some one in his home town of Northampton would have known about his death at the time.   

    in reply to: John Wall (1932-2018) #579098
    Denis Buczynski

    Thanks for posting this published obituary of John, it was an interesting read about a very interesting man.Sad that he is no longer with us.


    in reply to: VSS Circular 173 #579097
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Gary ,

    Interesting to see this new version of the VSS Circular. It seems to be the way that things are going these days. The BAA digital subscription will be good news for those groaning book shelves.


    in reply to: election results #578935
    Denis Buczynski

    Thanks Peter and Andy.

    I should and could have looked at Who’s Who myself. Just laziness on my part, sorry. It would be useful if  the email addresses of the Trustees were appended to their thumbnail imags on Who’s Who.

    Thanks Denis

    in reply to: 2017 – how was it for you? #578911
    Denis Buczynski

    Hello all and Happy New Year,

    Looking at my observing data I see that I observed comets on 101 nights in 2017. That excludes the period between mid May to mid August when the twilight sky is too bright here in Highland Scotland. I submitted more than 1200 astrometric positions of comets to the MPC (3 per comet in a single night) and the BAA Comet Section. My 2 automatic meteor cameras recorded about 3000 meteors( some duplicates) they are turned off during the May – August all night twilight. This summary  does not include any observations of Aurora nor NLC.Nor any nights I was away from home and unable to observe. not exactly New Mexico but not bad for the cloudy UK. Persistance and retirement from work are the key to observing regularly.

    Denis Buczynski

    in reply to: Antonin Becvar #578802
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Tony again,

    I have now looked at my third copy of this atlas, which is named Atlas of The Heavens and not Atlas Coeli. It is published by Sky Publishing in 1969. All the charts in it are in negative form. This I think is field edition and not rare. The earler copies of the Atlas I have are, one that is entitled Atlas of The Heavens and was published in 1949 by Sky Publishing containing maps on individual sheets sized 24×18 inches. The other I have is one entitled Atlas Coeli published by Czech Academy( in 4 languages Czech, Russian, English and German) in 1962 it contains bound maps in sheets 21×15 inches. All are for Epoch 1950.0. Looking at your picture of the Atlas you have it looks a modern edition with a folding bound maps. This is probably the desk edition.This and the negative maps were probably able to be purchased together. So I think you have a modern set of maps and no hens teeth are present! Still a great set of star maps though. If you need any pics of the various copies I have let me know.


    in reply to: Antonin Becvar #578801
    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Tony,

    I looked at my early editon of this atlas and a later one and neither have negative maps included with them. Are the negative maps produced by Sky Publishing in the same way as the positive maps? Perhaps they have been copied from the positive maps by previous owner.When you say you want to research them, what are you wanting to find out?


    ps Skelnate Pleso Observatory and its history is absorbing. The details of the people and and observers there is fascinating. Becvar was just one (maybe the most important) but Mrkos, Padjusakova, Kresak , Vovarova and the other comet discoverers and astronomers  there were huge characters also. 

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