Dr Paul Leyland

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Viewing 7 posts - 701 through 707 (of 707 total)
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  • in reply to: Updated proposal for an Exoplanet Section #579566
    Dr Paul Leyland

    Could you post a brief report on how this proposal was received please?

    in reply to: Liquid crystal shutters for meteor observing. #579539
    Dr Paul Leyland

    “Next thing is to determine the rpm and chop rate….”

    If you have access to a sillyscope it is very easy to determine chop rate to an accuracy of a few percent.  Shine a laser pointer through the chopper at a photodiode and measure the voltage across the latter.

    in reply to: Units in astronomy #579508
    Dr Paul Leyland

    Andy, arcsecs are indeed a useful size for some objects but so are degrees.  For some objects, the milliarcsec and microarcsec are the appropriate measures, especially in astrometry and VLBI radio.

    This leads me to the proposal that degrees, millidegrees, microdegrees, nanodegrees, … would be the appropriate way of proceeding.  Alternatively, and this I find rather more attractive myself, radians and their SI sub-divisions must be the natural units.  You may claim that a radian is a rather large angle but the size of the farad has never seriously worried the electronics engineers who are quite happy working with pF capacitors.

    in reply to: Suspect Supernova M108? #579370
    Dr Paul Leyland

    Perhaps.  IMAO you should check my assessment.  I could well be wrong and have been many times in the past.

    in reply to: Suspect Supernova M108? #579368
    Dr Paul Leyland

    That one looks like 2MASS 11112757+554027  with J=14.822

    in reply to: Suspect Supernova M108? #579364
    Dr Paul Leyland

    It is very likely 2MASS 11112688+5540232 which is indeed quite red. V=12.538, J=11.272 according to Vizier.

    in reply to: Proposal for a BAA Exoplanets Section #579324
    Dr Paul Leyland

    An excellent idea in my opinion.

    A decent number of exoplanet transits are in range of amateur equipment, as indicated by the continuing acknowledgements by Tabby Boyajian et al. to AAVSO observers.  Another example is

    which can  be found at  http://www.tacandeobservatory.com/p/act.html

    As noted, it is surely possible for amateurs to discover new exoplanets by the transit method.  All you need is dedication, good fortune and to be able to perform photometry to an accuracy of 0.003 magnitudes or better.  Despite the attention of the professionals, Kepler has only examined a small fraction of the sky and GAIA makes only a few dozen observations (at best) of any given star.

    Disclaimer: I’ve a vested interest in the link given above because there’s a fair chance I’ll be purchasing the Tacande Observatory.

Viewing 7 posts - 701 through 707 (of 707 total)