Jeremy Shears

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  • in reply to: LL And rare outburst #584767
    Jeremy Shears

    LL And has been in outburst for nearly a month, but it is now fading (Gary Poyner had at mag 16.7 last night, Oct 9.965).

    However, some rarely outbursting dwarf novae sometimes exhibit rebrightenings (sometimes referred to as echo outbursts). These can occur a few days after the outburst is apparently over. And there can be more than one rebrightening.

    Therefore please continue to observe this star. Nightly snapshot observations over the next week or two would be helpful.

    in reply to: Nova Cas 2021 #584730
    Jeremy Shears

    The nova that keeps on giving!

    in reply to: Recurrent Nova RS Oph #584728
    Jeremy Shears

    Declining, but not back at quiescence (minimum) yet.

    in reply to: LL And rare outburst #584727
    Jeremy Shears

    LL And is currently around 14th mag and still in the plateau phase of its superoutburst. It is showing small, but elegant, superhumps. Further observations, including t/series photometry welcome.

    in reply to: AF Cygni #584726
    Jeremy Shears

    Hello Darryl,

    AF Cyg is a semi regular star with a period of around 3 months. As such, it doesn’t undergo outbursts. Looking at its light curve in the VSS database, it appears to be approaching maximum. Some maxima are brighter than others. It’s brightness range is listed as 6.2 – 7.9 V, although the more usual range is 6.7 – 7.7. One maximum in 2019 reached mag 6.2

    Glad to see you are observing this star and contributing your obs to the VSS database.

    in reply to: Recurrent Nova RS Oph #584725
    Jeremy Shears
    in reply to: Tatton Park meteorite #584685
    Jeremy Shears

    indeed you are correct: it’s a different Mike Peel, Denis. I’ve been in touch with the MP who took the pic of the meteorite, although he has no further light to shed on the exhibit.

    in reply to: Tatton Park meteorite #584672
    Jeremy Shears

    Many thanks to everyone who replied.
    Certainly worth having a look at the Egerton exhibition if anyone is visiting Tatton Park. Maurice Egerton was a fascinating character, interested in so many different things. I asked the curator if she had seen anything about an interest in astronomy or telescopes during her PhD research, but she has not come across anything.

    Certainly a place to visit for a grand day out.

    in reply to: Nova Cas 2021 #584645
    Jeremy Shears

    This nova is still showing lots of interesting activity. And it’s still 8th mag

    in reply to: Recurrent Nova RS Oph #584644
    Jeremy Shears

    Please continue to observe RS Oph – the eruption continues:

    in reply to: Recurrent Nova RS Oph #584642
    Jeremy Shears

    Munari and Valisa have published an article on “The 2021 outburst of RS Oph. A pictorial atlas of the spectroscopic evolution: the first 18 days” on ArXiv today.

    in reply to: Recurrent Nova RS Oph #584597
    Jeremy Shears

    Still bright, but on the turn. Do try and observe if you can.

    in reply to: Recurrent Nova RS Oph #584582
    Jeremy Shears

    Atel 14838 from a team at Kyoto U report low resolution of RS Oph showing “Fe II, O I, and prominent Balmer lines. All of them listed here have a P Cygni profile. The velocity of the Hβ emission line is ∼ 2600 km/s. The profile and velocity indicate that this outburst is indeed a nova eruption, as is expected.”

    in reply to: Recurrent Nova RS Oph #584577
    Jeremy Shears

    Here is a VSS light curve from the 2006 eruption:

    in reply to: CG Dra: a VSS campaign #584548
    Jeremy Shears

    Our earlier work suspectEd shallow eclipses. Can we confirm and does the depth vary with outburst status (outburst vs quiescence)?

    in reply to: CG Dra: a VSS campaign #584536
    Jeremy Shears

    Looking at the light curve Stewart, there is not much difference. In any case, the objective of the project is to measure the time and duration of each outburst, rather than its precise mag. Thanks for your observation. If you are getting decent signal to noise ratio then stick with the V filter -after all, you are using a decent aperture scope. But no filter allows better SNR, so is often preferable with small telescopes.

    in reply to: Nova in Hercules #584509
    Jeremy Shears

    Still worth following this nova in her while the field is well placed. Fading the mag 15 now, though, but perhaps leveling off:

    in reply to: CG Dra: a VSS campaign #584508
    Jeremy Shears

    Currently in outburst.

    in reply to: Nova Vul 2021 #584507
    Jeremy Shears

    Continues to brighten gradually:

    in reply to: Observatory wall sealants #584504
    Jeremy Shears

    I used EverBuild external frame sealant, Grant.

    I applied both to the outside wall and inside. I overpainted the latter with the polymeric concrete sealant paint base I used for the rest of the floor.

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