BAA Journal – Volume 128 Number 2 – April 2018

The 2017 BAA Presidential Address cataclysmic variable star astronomy - Jeremy Shears
Short Paper: Franz von Paula Gruithausen (1774–1852) and the ‘Lost City in the Moon’ - Nigel Longshaw
To access this journal you need to join the association
- 75The 2017 BAA Presidential Address cataclysmic variable star astronomy - Jeremy Shears
Refereed Papers
- 91Short Paper: Franz von Paula Gruithausen (1774–1852) and the ‘Lost City in the Moon’ - Nigel Longshaw
- 94Saturn, 2004–’05 - Richard McKim
- 103Spectroscopic observation of planetary nebulae - Paul Luckas
- 122Messier 1 over 50 years New members
- 123Membership information
- 124Sky notes for 2018 April & May - Brian Mills
- 126Meetings diary & small advertisements
- 127Board of Trustees and Council
Observers' Forum
- 119Patterns of polygons in Jupiter’s polar storms Letters