BAA Journal – Volume 133 Number 02 – April 2023

Backyard lunar mineral prospection, Part I - Mark Kidger & Juan Jose Godoy Carrera
Revisiting the nova-like variable HS 0229+8016 with data from a BAA VSS campaign & TESS - Jeremy Shears & Stewart Bean
BAA members’ research into circumbinary exoplanets published - Ian D. Sharp
Back to Basics in York – blazing trails for beginners - Marie-Louise Archer
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Refereed Papers
- 89The enigmatic Miss Cicely M. Botley (1902–1991) - Martin Mobberley
- 103Backyard lunar mineral prospection, Part I - Mark Kidger & Juan Jose Godoy Carrera
- 115Revisiting the nova-like variable HS 0229+8016 with data from a BAA VSS campaign & TESS - Jeremy Shears & Stewart Bean
Notes and News
- 71Photograph: Aurora & meteor - Steve Knight
- 71From the President - David Arditti
- 72Two female pioneers honoured with minor-planet names - Bill Barton
- 72In brief - Philip Jennings
- 73New evidence for active volcanism on Venus - Paul G. Abel & Robert Herrick
- 74BAA members’ research into circumbinary exoplanets published - Ian D. Sharp
- 75Winners of the BAA Christmas Quiz - Philip Jennings
- 75Back to Basics in York – blazing trails for beginners - Marie-Louise Archer
- 76An interview with Hazel Collett - Philip Jennings
- 77Notice: Nominations for the Ballot for the BAA Council & Board of Trustees - Bill Tarver
- 78Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) lives up to expectations - Nick James
- 82Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 85Variable Star News - Jeremy Shears
- 86Auroral & noctilucent cloud activity 2022 December 19 – 2023 February - Sandra Brantingham
- 87Comparing similar ED & standard-glass refractors - Peter Anderson
- 127New members
- 129Membership information
- 134Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 135Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2022–2023
The Archives
- 88From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 131From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 128Eclipse chasers (ed. Nick Lomb & Toner Stevenson) - Mike Frost
BAA Updates
- 122Obituary: Ronald William Arbour (1942–2022) - Alan Dowdell
- 124Historical Section Meeting, 2022 May 14 - Bill Barton
- 125Exoplanet Online Workshop, 2022 November 12 - Roger Dymock
- 126The BAA Awards & Medals for 2023 - Bill Tarver
- 132Sky notes for 2023 April & May - Nick Hewitt
Observers' Forum
- 130A planetary ghost in a serpent’s body - Stewart Moore
- 120BAA One Day Summer Meeting, 2022 June 25 – 'Cosmology, Galaxies & Exoplanets' - Alan Dowdell