BAA Journal – Volume 133 Number 04 – August 2023

Image denoising in astrophotography – an approach using recent network denoising models - Scott Sloka
The 2021 superoutburst of the dwarf nova LL Andromedae - Jeremy Shears
The New South Wales Branch of the BAA & the Sydney University Observatory - Nick Lomb
Secrets of the Moon – Understanding & analysing the lunar surface (Fielder) - Anthony Cook
Obituary: Professor David W. Hughes (1941–2022) - Stuart Malin & Carole Hughes
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Refereed Papers
- 223Image denoising in astrophotography – an approach using recent network denoising models - Scott Sloka
- 231The 2021–’22 eastern elongation of Venus - Paul G. Abel
- 235The 2021 superoutburst of the dwarf nova LL Andromedae - Jeremy Shears
- 241The New South Wales Branch of the BAA & the Sydney University Observatory - Nick Lomb
- 245The opposition of Mars, 2020: Part II - Richard McKim
Notes and News
- 207From the President - David Arditti
- 208Your vote for the BAA Trustees & Council - Bill Tarver
- 208Mass ejection causes RW Cephei to dim - Jeremy Shears
- 208In brief - Philip Jennings
- 209Nominations invited for the Sir Patrick Moore Prize & the Cicely Botley Prize David Arditti - David Arditti
- 209Assistant Editor sought for the Journal - Philip Jennings
- 210Get set for the next eruption of the recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis! - Jeremy Shears
- 211Another star in the northern crown keeps observers guessing: R CrB Jeremy Shears - Jeremy Shears
- 212Searching for sky - Mazin Younis
- 216Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 220Auroral & noctilucent cloud activity, 2023 April 20 – June 18 Sandra Brantingham - Sandra Brantingham
- 221Maintaining a Schmidt–Cassegrain - David Arditti
- 263Membership information
- 265New members
- 267New honorary members
- 268Sky notes for 2023 August & September - Nick Hewitt
- 270Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 271Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2022–2023
The Archives
- 222From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 257From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 262Secrets of the Moon – Understanding & analysing the lunar surface (Fielder) - Anthony Cook
- 261A watch owned by A. A. C. Eliot Merlin - Steve Wyn-Harris
- 262Total solar eclipses of long duration in Europe - Peter Macdonald
BAA Updates
- 263Obituary: Peter Edwards (1956–2022) - Anthony Clarke
- 264Obituary: Professor David W. Hughes (1941–2022) - Stuart Malin & Carole Hughes
Observers' Forum
- 266NGC 6946 – a challenging galaxy for summer skies - Stewart Moore
- 258BAA Annual General Meeting, 2022 October 26 - Alan Dowdell
- 260Meeting of the BAA, 2022 October 26 - Alan Dowdell