
Last updated 2013 March 15


Please note that minor updates eg; additions to ‘Books’ and ‘Meetings’, are not listed below.

2013 March 15: ‘Occultations’ page; 2013 predictions from BAAH inserted

2013 March 10-11: ‘What to Observe’ webpage brought up to date, Gallery of 2012 DA14 observations.

2013 February 28: 2012 DA14 webpage completed with observations from 18 members and others

2013 February 22: Observing Report webpage for 2012 DA14 created

2012 February 16: Report on Russian bolide and 2012 DA14

2012 February 15: Updated 2012 DA14 page with link to real-time imaging from Nick James’ observatory in Chelmsford (clouded out)

2013 February 11: Updated details of forthcoming close-pass of 2012 DA14

2013 January 22: Resumed work on the Section website uploading a report of the joint Asteroid-Comet section meeting held at Milton Keynes on 2012 Oct 6

2013 January 15: Observing details and two finder charts for next month’s apparition of 2012 DA14 uploaded to BAA webpages here

(Gap in maintaining website, new style webpage worked on by Darryl Sergison but not finalised)

2010 February 3

Paper ‘The rotation period of asteroid (4080) Galinskij’ by Roger Dymock added

2009 June 30

Paper ‘A method for determining the V magnitude of asteroids from CCD images’ by Richard Miles and Roger Dymock added

A method for determining the V magnitude of asteroids from CCD images – Hints and tips for using Astrometrica and Guide added

2009 April 24

Video processing added

2008 September 18

BAA Journal article ‘Asteroids: past present and future’ by Richard Miles added

BAA Journal article ‘The H and G magnitude system for asteroids’ by Roger Dymock added

2008 September 12

Presentation ‘Practical NEO work’ given by Peter Birtwhistle at the 2008 July SAGAS meeting added

News archive page added

14th August 2008

Website moved to BAA server

11th July 2008

June/July observations added

News section added to Opening/Index page.

14th May 2008

May observations added

6th May 2008

2008 Pluto data added to ‘What to observe’

11th April 2008

April observations added

12th Mar 2008

March observations added

1st February 2008

February observations added (also includes December 2007 and January 2008)

16th November 2007

Minor planet data previously published in the 2008 BAA Handbook added to ‘What to observe’

8th November 2007

November observations added

8th October 2007

October observations added

1st September 2007

September observations added

20th August 2007

ARPS meeting report added

14th August 2007

Presentation ‘Asteroids’ added

11th August 2007

August observations added

10th July 2007

June and July observations added

10th May 2007

May observations added

14th April 2007

April 2007 observations added

19th  March 2007

‘Close Approach of Asteroid 2006 VV2’ added

27th  February 2007

Presentation ‘Magnitude ? Absolutely  ! Possibly…’ added

16th  February 2007

‘New definitions for Solar System bodies’ added

14th February 2007

‘Targets for visual observation’ added to ‘What to Observe’

5th January 2007

Observations received section added

27th November 2006

Presentations reloaded to website as pdf’s

14th November 2006

Section on Pluto added to ‘What to observe’

Presentations deleted – exceeding allocated disk space on server

30th October 2006

Presentation ‘Finding and Observing Asteroids’ added

26th October 2006

Presentation ‘New Definitions for Solar System Bodies’ added

12th August 2006

Limovie by Andrew Elliott added

18th June 2006

Presentation ‘The Asteroids and Remote Planets Section – Past Present and Future’ added

21st March 2006

Photometric data section added

15th March 2006

USNO Photometry and Tycho Photometry by Mark Kidger added. Link to ‘Asteroid Phase Curves’ by Richard Miles added to ‘What to Observe’

27th February 2006

Section officers added

17th January 2006

Imaging with a digital SLR camera and a gravity drive, by Maurice Gavin, added

30th December 2005

New sections added; What to observe, Occultations, Visual observations, ARPS report form

12th November 2005

This (Near Earth Objects) website relaunched as the Asteroid and Remote Planets Section website following the appointment of Roger Dymock as Section Director succeeding Andrew Hollis.

30th August 2005

Presentation ‘Observing Asteroids – A Personal Journey’ replaced ‘Observing NEO’s – A Personal Journey’ and presentation ‘Asteroid Lightcurve Photometry’ replaced ‘Spinning Asteroids – Lightcurve Photometry’

3rd March 2005

‘Astrometry of NEO’s – Roger Dymock’ and ‘Follow-up observations – Part I’ updated and merged in to a single document ‘Astrometry of NEO’s – Follow-up observations’. ‘Table of contents’, ‘Site Guide’ and ‘Links’ updated to reflect this change.

8th October 2004

‘Spacewatch FMO project’ added

14th September 2004

‘Differential photometry using Canopus’  and ‘Site guide’ added

23rd April 2004

BAA Workshop 5 presentation ‘Observing Near Earth Asteroids’ added

9th April 2004

Asteroid photometry – Part II and a link to An Introduction to Astrometry by Nick James added

21st August 2003

Astrometry – Measuring Trails and USNO-B1.0 Star Catalogue sections added.

Note; USNO-B1.0 catalogue reference can no be found here.

15th March 2003

Asteroid Lightcurves – Part I added to Projects Section

11th January 2003

Trial Database and Trial Database Notes sections added

Note; These sections have since been deleted.

20th December 2002

Timing section added

15th November 2002

‘Orbits’ section added, Links and Books updated

25th October 2002

Software section added. This completes the first pass of the site.

23rd October 2002

Links section added

22nd October 2002

Projects section added. New targets will be added as and when appropriate.

15th October 2002

Observations section added. This section describes how observers can publish the

results of their observations.

26th September 2002

Follow-up observations – Part 1 modified to describe a simpler method for obtaining orbital elements and an ephemeris.

Space missions section added. This is a short section listing web sites where information on past, present, planned and proposed missions can be obtained.

9th August 2002

NEO news section added

8th August 2002

Meetings section added

25th July 2002

‘Follow-up observations – Part 1’ added

5th July 2002

‘Astrometry of Near Earth Objects’ added

25th June 2002

Astrometry of Near Earth Objects by Stephen Laurie added

16th May 2002

Astrometry –Obtaining an Observatory Code added

3rd April 2002

Photometry section added

19th March 2002

List of books covering all aspects of Solar System Small Bodies added

13th March 2002

Site launched.

To return to the What is Happening page. Select here

To return to the Section home page. Select here

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