Roger Pickard

Forums Variable Stars Roger Pickard

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  • #621053
    Dr Paul Leyland

    Jeremy Shears has just informed the VSS group:

    It is with the deepest sadness that I have to inform you that Roger passed away in the early hours of Boxing Day, 2023 Dec 26.

    I thought the news deserved a wider audience. My apologies to Jeremy if I have pre-empted him.

    Melvyn Joslin

    I would like to thank Dr Shears for informing the VSS group of the passing of Roger Pickard. It is always sad when somebody reaches this time in their lives. Rodger helped me when I joined the section a few years ago and although I only met him on a few occasions he was a gentleman. Maybe Rodger wanted us to be informed in this way.

    John Thorpe

    A great shock. Roger was a great help to me when I joined the VSS, never treating any of my novice requests as trivial. I have a treasured memory from some years ago when I came over from Australia and attended a Christmas meeting chaired by Roger as President. As proceedings got under way, to my amazement Roger gave me a formal welcome. How pleasantly surprised I was!

    A sad loss. Roger will be greatly missed.

    Alex Pratt

    It is very sad to hear of Roger’s passing. He was a true gent.

    One story I can relate – after the VSS Workshop in Edinburgh in October 2008 I suggested various eateries along the Royal Mile, but Roger gave me a gentle ribbing because every place we checked was full. Eventually, we tried the restaurant at Deacon Brodie’s and they accommodated us with several tables for our group. With a grin, Roger said I had redeemed myself. 🙂

    Melvyn Taylor left a large archive of unrecorded VS observations (thousands submitted by VSS observers and thousands of his own). Roger was a great help in graciously receiving my almost interminable scans of the report forms per star and he coordinated with the small group of data input volunteers to upload them into the VSS database.

    He will be missed by many. My condolences to his family and friends.



    I am very sorry to read the sad news of Roger’s passing.

    Although I didn’t know him.
    He came across as being very friendly and a gentleman. I met him twice, once at one of our Macclesfield AS-BAA autumn weekends many years ago. And at a VSS meeting in Manchester.

    Roger Dymock

    Very sad loss – one of the good guys

    Andy Wilson

    He will be very greatly missed. I had known Roger for over 20 years. I first met him at a BAA Exhibition Meeting in Cambridge, which led to my involvement in the VSS. He did a huge amount for variable star astronomy and the BAA.

    Dave Smith

    I am so sorry to hear about Roger. He very kindly encouraged and supported me in variable star observing.

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