Hi everyone,
im Cameron, im 16 and from Coventry, England. The skies here are terrible due to vast amount of Light Pollution. I love daytime photography so last July i thought i’d take the plunge and buy a GOTO mount, then came the ED80, then a finderguider and this month a Canon modded 1000D. It’s really amazing what difference a modded DSLR makes when imaging.
Anyway, this is my first image on the BAA altogether. The focusser was a bit sloppy the other night so stars in the bottom half and on the right hand side have “sagged” a bit, i think thats the word for it 😛
M27 from 25/05/2014- 6x300sec, Skywatcher ED80, CG5 Guided with finderguider, Canon 1000D modded. Stacked in DSS and processed in PS CS3.
For higher resolution see http://www.astrobin.com/full/98519/0/
Hope you guys like it!