Where can I purchase mirror blanks?

Forums For Sale / Wants / Giveaway Where can I purchase mirror blanks?


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  • #628406
    Martin Reeve

    Hello all. This is my first post on the BAA forum.
    I’m interested in building my own telescope including grinding my own mirror, but I can’t find anyone selling telescope mirror blanks in the UK.
    Does anyone know of any suppliers?
    Thank you
    Martin Reeve

    Somerset, UK

    David Basey

    Beacon Hill Telescopes (http://beaconhilltelescopes.org.uk/) list blanks up to 250mm diameter and also list all the necessary grinding materials.


    Callum Potter

    Galvoptics used to, and still do apparently https://www.galvoptics.co.uk/optical-components/telescope-products-andamp-services/

    Would be nice to hear how you get on.


    David Arditti

    Terry Pearce who runs the Amateur Telescope Makers of London club (see the Journal 2024 August edition) and the firm Vacuum Coatings (Scientific Mirrors) seems to be able to get these supplies. You can contact him via http://www.scientificmirrors.co.uk.


    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Martin,
    I have two 9.5 inch mirror blanks if you want them for free. One is plate glass the other pyrex. Both are 22mm thick. Let me know if you want them for the price of the postage.
    Best wishes

    Martin Reeve

    First of all thank you for all the very helpful replies from everyone. It’s very much appreciated.

    I was originally thinking I would make a small, maybe 4 or 5 inch, portable Dobsonian that I can put in the back of my car and take out to darker sights for visual observing. (My partner lives near Dartmoor). But I have to say I’m very tempted by Denis’s very generous offer of 9.5 inch blanks and make a larger Dobsonian.

    I spoke to Barry Watts (?) Of Beacon Hill Telescopes who David B. mentioned. His company no longer trades but he was very helpful with advice and pointed me towards Galvoptics, which Callum mentioned, for pitch, grinding pastes and coatings, etc.
    Barry also said that Orion optics do coating too, along with Vacuum Coatings that David A. mentioned.

    Denis. If you would like to let me know how we go about sending the blanks to me I would be very grateful.

    Thank you all again for your time and help.
    I will return here to update as the project progresses.

    Denis Buczynski

    Hi Martin,
    Send me your postal adress and I will post them to you. There are only the two blanks no grinding powder or laps etc. My email is buczynski8166@btinternet.com
    Best wishes

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