owen brazell

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  • in reply to: Comet Section Meeting on Saturday, May 18 #580718
    owen brazell

    Although the meeting speaker line up looks excellent it is too inconvenient/expensive to come by train and I understand that parking in the centre of York is pretty much a no-no so unfortunately I won;t be there,

    in reply to: Comet 46P Wirtenan – visibility #580514
    owen brazell

    I saw it a couple of nights ago as a hazy patch with 10x42IS binicoulars and it was not hard. It was right where SkySafari said it should be. I suspect that unless you were using a very wide field eyepiece with the C8 you may have seen through it.

    in reply to: Sirius B #580500
    owen brazell

    Although not being an experienced observer is not necessary to be a member of the BAA or write articles a knowledge of astronomy should be. There are other issues with this article in that the orbit of the Pup is stationary and the Pup itself is at maximum elongation.  If the BAA is to be regarded as a serious organization then its website and articles on it need to be right as well and a knowledge of the subject should be a pre-requisite to write about it.. I understand that you wish to make a dynamic website but there must be a threshold before you write.

    in reply to: new visual comet discovery by Don Machholz #580216
    owen brazell

    I believe Peter Carson and Andrew Robertson saw this visually with an 18″ telescope from Suffolk this morning.proving that East Anglia does have the best weather 🙂 I am sure they will comment further.


    in reply to: Spectro stuff for sale, best place to advertise? #580014
    owen brazell

    There are a wide variety of things for sale on UKastrobuysell and as it is free there is no harm in putting it up there. It is not all telescopes and mounts.


    in reply to: Dark Skies (or not)… LED Health Hazard #579729
    owen brazell

    I must admit I am rather surprised that it has taken so long for the general BAA membership to wake up to this as it has been known for a long time that there are issues with the blue rich lighting and the colour temperature of installed LED’s. I would have thought the CfDS would have been banging this drum for quite a while. Of course if they have then the message has not been getting through. It is bad not just for humans but for most nocturnal species.

    It is certainly going to destroy visual deep sky observing as the filters that have helped us so much over the years will be dramatically reduced in effectiveness by this change.


    in reply to: Maurice Gavin #579591
    owen brazell

    Sorry to hear this as I remember long ago doing the nebular filter calibration work with him and one of his early spectroscopes.


    in reply to: Christchurch Weekend Meeting #579547
    owen brazell

    Your Ok here Callum as Andrew will be in New Zealand and can’t complain about it 🙂 He will be there for Spring Kelling as well so can’t complain about the Winchester social dates either 🙂


    in reply to: NGC 3067 X 3184 #579462
    owen brazell

    Have you ever thought of setting up your own members page and posting your images there?


    in reply to: researching multi[ple star systems #579310
    owen brazell

    Although the BAA DSS does have a double star part the primary organisation for double stars in the UK is the Webb Society. They also publish a double star atlas with charts for many open clusters. There are also a decent number of books on this including Bob Argyles book on double stars and also James Mulaneys book, both published by Springer.


    in reply to: Selling my Celestron NexImage 5 camera #579144
    owen brazell

    Would be best if you posted on ukastrobuysell http://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/ I would think or perhaps even SGL


    in reply to: HELP with tracking the sun #579049
    owen brazell

    Probably best for this kind of question to post on SGL.(stargazers Lounge)


    in reply to: 2.1 binocs #578339
    owen brazell

    I have a pair that I used down on La Palma and here in the UK. They are very nice, at least the Vixen ones, and give interesting wide field views. I would say that they may not help too much from light polluted skies but form dark skies they are very interesting. I suspect the other ones (Kasai and other branded versions) are Chinese clones, hence the cost differential. They do have their uses but I suspect that they maybe a limited use piece of equipment.


    in reply to: VISUAL SPEC and windowes 10 #577962
    owen brazell

    I had the same issue but if you following th einstructions on the downlaod page under warning 5 and run as admin then it works.


    in reply to: Astronomy Yearbook 2017 #577647
    owen brazell

    Perhaps time to move on from the Patrick Moore cult?


    in reply to: Lighting up London river #577646
    owen brazell

    It might be worth talking with the RAS about this too. As Gary says if it starts then goodness knows where it will end as every tom dick and harry town will want its art installation and all the modern artists will be looking for commissions.


    in reply to: Sky & Telescope Spectroscopy Webinar #577477
    owen brazell

    They also appear to be doing one on Nightscape photography http://www.shopatsky.com/nightscape-astrophotography-live-webinar which could be interesting. Not science I know but something more pople are gettin into. Interesting that S&T appear to be trying to branch out into different ways of making money.



    in reply to: Laser use at public events #577263
    owen brazell

    At most star parties I go to lasers are banned anyway, certainly the major ones. It may be that for outreach events they have some use but I think there is very little reason to have them at a main stream star aprty.


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