Steve Cuthbert

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  • in reply to: BAA Spectroscopy Initiative (2) #577301
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi David

    Just received the latest Journal and read the spectro article with more than a little interest as I already purchased my Alpy plus guide module a year ago and already had an Atik 314 plus Lodestar, guess the grant is not retrospective ;-))). Seriously though its good that the various companies are prepared to help amateurs to get a step on the spectro ladder. I’ll follow this with interest and hope to contribute spectra as and when we have a system in place.



    in reply to: V694 Mon Spectroscopy #577286
    Steve Cuthbert

    Nice post Andy.

    Would I be correct in seeing a P Cyg feature in Hugh and David`s spectra?.


    in reply to: New street lights fitted !! #577252
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi all

    Well I have to say since my initial optimism with these new lights installed I`ve hardly done any observing!!!.

    NOT… I hasten to add the fault of the lights but we in York must now be making up for darker skies by having more and more damn clouds. September was the last time I managed a stint at the scope and I`m seriously looking at other hobbies, just bought meself a microscope!!. Sorry for being a grump but just seen the forecast for this week ;-((

    Clear skies (pah!!)


    in reply to: BAA Spectroscopic Observations Database #577203
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi Andy

    In what sort of format do you envisage a spectro database or even access to it?. Would observers access/enter observations by going via say a button within the VSS section web site for instance?. Can two databases share resources like that?. It would appear that the interest in spectroscopy is maybe not enough to justify its own section yet.



    in reply to: BAA Spectroscopic Observations Database #577201
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi Andy
     Good to hear of continued interest in spectroscopy within the BAA. I haven`t submitted spectra yet to Bess so unfamiliar with their format requirements but I agree a set format would have to be laid down for any submitted observations.

    I can forsee spectroscopic observations encompassing all sections of the BAA, Solar, Planetary,Deep sky, Comet, etc etc so it would make sense to have its own dedicated section/sub section rather than submit for example a solar spectrum to the solar section or maybe not?? expand interest in spectroscopy to visual observers??. One thought I had was maybe a `Star of the month` (I also thought star of the week but with the skies we get ;-() where contributors could submit their own observations of a common object and it would be interesting comparing results using different equipment.

    What do others think?

    BTW happy new year to all.


    in reply to: Kappa Cassiopeia Spectra #577190
    Steve Cuthbert

    Know exactly what you mean Andy!

    take care


    in reply to: Kappa Cassiopeia Spectra #577191
    Steve Cuthbert

    Know exactly what you mean Andy! Only clear skies I`ve had lately were last night at 3am but I was doing my Gas emergency thing with the floods in York, maybe another night 😉

    take care


    in reply to: Kappa Cassiopeia Spectra #577188
    Steve Cuthbert

    Excellent report Andy, must checkout Kappa Cass next obs run!. Don`t think I would be able to detect any shift with my Alpy 600 but worth a shot 😉



    in reply to: Fireball Spectroscopy #577109
    Steve Cuthbert

    Very interesting Bill, can`t be easy catching a spectrum from a moving object!. Are you using StarAnalyser 100 in front of your video camera?.


    in reply to: Reference star finder spreadsheet?. #577102
    Steve Cuthbert

    Ah! thanks for the info Roy, I thought Open office and Libre office were compatible with all the Microsoft stuff, that explains a lot!



    in reply to: Refining Spectrograph Setup #577095
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi Andy

    Very nice collection of profiles, shows a definite change. Would look good as an animation with a few more. Must get one of those Lhires III ;-))


    in reply to: Mizar & eps Auriga comparison! #577074
    Steve Cuthbert

    Thanks for that Andy, I`m pretty sure I could detect a 10 Angstrom shift …just!! with my setup… I think!!


    in reply to: Mizar & eps Auriga comparison! #577072
    Steve Cuthbert

    Cheers Andy!. I`m also wondering if eclipsing binaries the likes of Algol would show any doppler shift too?.


    in reply to: Wolf Rayets and Symbiotics spectra – a busy night! #577061
    Steve Cuthbert

    No probs at all Andy!


    in reply to: Wolf Rayets and Symbiotics spectra – a busy night! #577059
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi guys

    Excellent well calibrated spectrum John, you can easily see the difference in Helium emission between the 2 dates.

    I must checkout CH Cyg next time 😉


    in reply to: Wolf Rayets and Symbiotics spectra – a busy night! #577053
    Steve Cuthbert

    Excellent look forward to that Andy.



    in reply to: Wolf Rayets and Symbiotics spectra – a busy night! #577050
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi again Andy

    That spreadsheet looks very good. Not sussed out how to use it yet though??



    in reply to: Wolf Rayets and Symbiotics spectra – a busy night! #577047
    Steve Cuthbert

    Thanks for that link Andy, that spreadsheet looks easier to use and seems to contain more info, I`ll try that later!.


    in reply to: Wolf Rayets and Symbiotics spectra – a busy night! #577044
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi Andy

    Yes I agree about the refererence star at same altitude although I can`t always find one ;-).

    Have you tried the reference star spreadsheet for spectro mentioned on the spectro-aras forum here

    I`m using Open Office and couldn`t quite get it to work properly but I`ll stick with it!.

    Hopefully stuff like this will be covered at Sidmouth, you got your presentation finished ok?



    in reply to: Wolf Rayets and Symbiotics spectra – a busy night! #577041
    Steve Cuthbert

    Hi Andy

    Yes corrected using alpha Peg although maybe not the best candidate as its a B9III type!


Viewing 20 posts - 41 through 60 (of 65 total)