Trevor Emmett

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  • in reply to: Celestron CGEM mount #628621
    Trevor Emmett

    Hi Jack,

    I believe the CGEM mount (like the CPC alt-az) is essentially ‘dumb’ insofar as the computational heavy lifting is all done by the hand set. The mount ‘only’ contains motors and a few circuit boards for controlling them. The error messages you have refer to the failure of the hand set to communicate with the mount.

    I had a similar problem with my CPC1100 some years ago:

    ‘….On power up and after the ‘verifying packages’ message I get a ‘no response 17 invalid model’ message. Pressing ‘back’ produces a ‘no response 16 invalid model’ message. Following advice from Celestron’s website, I’ve tried cycling the power, repeatedly pressing ‘back’, and trying the hand controller in the the two AUX sockets. None of these things have worked. Various people on the web suggest other fixes but these are generally out of my comfort zone (dismantling the ‘scope etc.)….’

    I was eventually given the advice (from someone at David Hinds, just before the company’s demise) to leave it for a while then try again. It worked!!!!! The problems occurred during the lock down (5 years ago-ish) and have not returned. One thing I didn’t (couldn’t) try was trying a different handset to see if that worked.

    With David Hinds now gone I’m not sure who handles Celestron servicing now. Tring Astro?

    Good luck anyway.

    Best Wishes,


    in reply to: Rev T.E.Espin’s Calver telescope :action needed #625163
    Trevor Emmett

    Hi John,

    Thanks for this. I’ve signed the petition and shared it on my social media.

    I have a personal reason for wanting this telescope saved (see above). I would be delighted to help your group in any way I can, though my location (in north Cambridgeshire) may limit my involvement.

    Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in this project.

    Good luck!

    Best Wishes,


    in reply to: How tall is a giraffe? #617344
    Trevor Emmett

    Are we talking Imperial giraffes or metric giraffes?

    in reply to: Mould on Optics: #615504
    Trevor Emmett


    in reply to: Mould on Optics: #615503
    Trevor Emmett

    Hi Martina,

    I’m firmly of the view that this sort of problem is the ‘elephant in the room’ with regard to SCTs. It’s been a constant issue for the 10 years I’ve owned my CPC1100.

    Small specks on the corrector won’t be a big problem and, unless it’s obviously affecting your images I would leave well alone.

    Steve Collingwood of SCTelecopes (and Pulsar Observatories) did a good job cleaning and collimating my telescope about 5 years ago. I’m not sure he still offers this service but try

    With the recent demise of David Hinds I think Tring Astro might be able to advise.

    I would appreciate knowing how you get on. Good luck!!!!


    in reply to: Rev T.E.Espin’s Calver telescope :action needed #611812
    Trevor Emmett

    Hi Denis,

    Please keep me in the loop.

    I suppose the first thing is to establish who owns the old observatories (I assume the hotel). Since the buildings are essentially derelict the owners may be prepared to sign them over to a trust or such like.

    I see from Googlemaps the once hallowed football and cricket pitches are now golf courses…

    Best Wishes,


    in reply to: Rev T.E.Espin’s Calver telescope :action needed #611807
    Trevor Emmett

    Hi Denis,

    Thanks for this. Very interesting.

    I have a personal interest insofar as I was a Geology PhD student in Newcastle 1976-1979 and my supervisor was the late Dr M. Hugh Battey. I seem to recall that he was one a select few who used the telescope for their own devices – he frequently invited me to join him in observations but, alas, I never was able to. This failure I have always regretted.

    I believe the observatory was located at the Closehouse Estate to the west of Newcastle – at the time this was the University’s main sports centre and I often played football there. I believe the University sold off Closehouse some years ago. I always wondered what happened to the observatory/telescopes. A few years ago at a BAA meeting in Newcastle I was told that the observatories were no more and that the telescopes were in store (= lost). Believing this, I felt the University had committed a gross act barbarity.

    Closehouse is now, I think, some sort of luxury hotel. It was suggested to me that the hotel now owned what was left of the observatory but my informant was not sure. I haven’t been able to find much information about it.

    Are we talking about the same place? Or has my age-addled memory failed (again)?

    I would be very keen to see these items at least preserved if not restored. I would help as much as I can, but I fear this would be not much in a practical sense.

    Best Wishes,


    in reply to: Samyang 500mm f6.3 DX mirror lens #581551
    Trevor Emmett

    Ha ha! I wish – but I think it would overwhelm my camera….

    Would still need collimating though….


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