Forum Replies Created
Peter Tickner
ParticipantI would support Martin on the benefits of aluminium foil – I use strips of insulating foil from a well known DIY store at the business end of my 200 mm Newt and various refractors in addition to a dew heater strap at the front of all when in use. For my 14inch SCT two dew heater straps – one at the corector plate end set at full power and at half power at the mirror end. Combination of dew shield with aluminium foil keeps the exposed end free of frost or dew and the half power dew heater keeps the mirror clear in use. When parked it is in a wooden observatory and the dehumidifier is switched on and not had any droplets on the mirror.
Peter Tickner
ParticipantI imaged it last night and coincidentally had imaged M101 precisely a month earlier!
Peter Tickner
ParticipantMars in reasonable ‘seeing’ last night. These are three images taken at 25 minute imtervals between 00:58 UT and 01:53 UT.
Peter Tickner
ParticipantRe: above I’ve now managed to solve the main problem. I’ve had to delete my existing links and bookmark the page again. That has cured some of my issues when I first tried to log on to the new website. I can now see the main BAA home page and log in via it but the log in still refuses to recognise my user name and wants only my email with the password.
Peter Tickner
ParticipantI am struggling to log in – every time I try to log in it rejects my user name and password and insists I enter my email address instead. It then doesn’t recognise the password until I enter it a second time – it then locks me into the membership page and every time I click on ‘home’ it takes me back to membership account details and won’t let me escape to the BAA home screen.
I only manged to get onto the forum to leave a message by ignoring the tabs and repeatedly clicking on the bookmark on my browser (Firefox) until it let me in to a screen that has a forum post by Nick James. I could then use the button above to get to this forum. Unless I look as an outsider not logged in I can’t see the BAA home page at all. The moment I try to log in as a member I end up either trapped on the membership details page or sent to the same page with the forum post on another topic by Nick James.
Peter Tickner
ParticipantI was having a quick look at the Canary Islands live feed this evening and for a while it was just the odd red glow and then suddenly the whole screen lit up. I’ve attached a screenshot. I’m glad I don’t have an observatory on La Palma – scary stuff!
Peter Tickner
ParticipantThank you all for your considered comments to date. I’m glad I am not yet in a minority of one!
I note with interest Marin’s views and it reminds me that I really must pay attention when looking visually and just check I am seeing what my brain is telling me I do see. Chris has summed it up for me, the convention comes from an era that probably pre-dates photography and we have come a long way since then. But it is important to be clear when presenting an image to avoid any potential audience misunderstanding, so as long as the direction is obvious either from the image or the information provided with it then that is sufficient. I’m happy to accept that directors of sections may prefer their images presented conventionally and to go along with those that do, but otherwise I will gently continue to presnt them the way that seems as logical to me as the way we present images of the Moon.
Peter Tickner
ParticipantI took this colur image last night in fairly average conditions – in my image it has a blueish tint of a typical supernova.
Peter Tickner
ParticipantSkies were much clearer last night and I managed a stack of over two hours at 60 seconds and three main component parts can be seen as well as the tail debris around the original coma component.