Logging in to the new website

Forums Website News and Help Logging in to the new website

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  • #606131
    Andy Wilson

    With the release of the new BAA website we have unified the logins with the BAA Membership Database, Sheep CRM.

    Many members will have created a Sheep CRM login when joining or renewing. If you haven’t already created a Sheep account then you can do so by following this link:


    You have to use the same email address you use for your membership and be a fully paid up member, so the system recognises your membership. Once you have created the login you need to separately login to the BAA website using the login button.

    This same login created in Sheep CRM will then work as your login to the BAA website. Note you have to authorise Sheep CRM during the login process and your username is your email address.

    The logins will not work with some older browsers where they have unresolved security flaws. Even if you are using an old computer then you may be able to install a modern browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

    Google Chrome: https://www.google.co.uk/chrome/
    Mozilla Firefox: https://www.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/new/

    The very first time you login, you will be taken to a WordPress page. You click British Astronomical Association in the top left to get to the main website. After this first login, you will always land on the BAA website.

    If you get stuck then please contact the BAA Office using the form found at https://britastro.org/home/about-us/contact-us. If you are able to login then you will get a quicker response by posting a message on the forum.

    Andy Wilson
    BAA Systems Administrator

    Andy Wilson

    If you log out and then click to log back in without closing your browser, then you will not be asked to re-enter your password. If you close your browser, then you will be asked to re-enter your email address and password at login.

    We are investigating whether there are ways to always require your email address and password to be entered. Otherwise please note you should close your browser after logging out if other people may use the computer.


    Alan P Buckman

    Hi Andy,
    Logging is for the first time in your new system was particularly tortuous. The first login screen I came across did not recognise my email address or user name. It was only by clicking your link above did it take me to the Register screen where it was obvious I had to register as a new user then it clicked into place.

    It looks like it will take a while to get used to it. I think all the information is the same just reorganised!

    Alan Buckman

    John Thorpe

    Hi Andy
    A bit of trouble logging in the first time. I kept getting the screen to update the login details and then found I was still not logged into the site. The secret seemed to be to click the word “login” in the menu rather than either of the dropdown items.
    Great look to the site though, and I really appreciate all the effort that must have gone into it.

    David Ansell

    I have added another login link inside the menu which will hopefully make it clearer.
    thanks for the feedback

    Dr Paul Leyland

    Parts of it are excellent!

    I have had immense probs logging in fully, despite a lot of help from Andy Wilson. I was left in a limbo where I was logged in (could see membership details, profile, etc) and not logged in (could not post on forum, read text of JBAA, etc) at the same time.

    Much fiddling around and on about the 1th time I am now properly logged in. No idea what went right, whether it will work flawlessly from now on, or what to do if it fails again. Tomorrow I will try accessing britastro.org from another computer …

    Other than that, everything looks great.

    Robin Leadbeater

    Is there a way to stay permanently logged in like on the old site ?


    Peter Tickner

    I am struggling to log in – every time I try to log in it rejects my user name and password and insists I enter my email address instead. It then doesn’t recognise the password until I enter it a second time – it then locks me into the membership page and every time I click on ‘home’ it takes me back to membership account details and won’t let me escape to the BAA home screen.

    I only manged to get onto the forum to leave a message by ignoring the tabs and repeatedly clicking on the bookmark on my browser (Firefox) until it let me in to a screen that has a forum post by Nick James. I could then use the button above to get to this forum. Unless I look as an outsider not logged in I can’t see the BAA home page at all. The moment I try to log in as a member I end up either trapped on the membership details page or sent to the same page with the forum post on another topic by Nick James.



    Peter Tickner

    Re: above I’ve now managed to solve the main problem. I’ve had to delete my existing links and bookmark the page again. That has cured some of my issues when I first tried to log on to the new website. I can now see the main BAA home page and log in via it but the log in still refuses to recognise my user name and wants only my email with the password.


    Andy Wilson

    Hi Peter,
    This is the expected behaviour. Your username is now your email address.
    We’ve asked this to be updated in systems to state “email address” to avoid confusion, but this will take a while to implement.
    Best wishes,

    stan armstrong

    The ‘TEAM’ were not to know that Microsoft would coincidentally UPGRADE??
    their ‘Edge’ Browser.. With ARI’s [Age related Infirmities] I have been using
    A Desktop PC for over 10Years.
    Equally BT have changed their Security system to Norton from MCaFee!
    One of the features of Edge is a Password Save system.. which I have long used.
    This became Somewhat Confused BUT eventually ?Guessed? the user name for ‘Iamsheep’.
    Still not sure what then happened.. but all now seems Delightful to look at
    and Sleek and Speedy to manipulate.
    The Dark Mode at 0019GMT IS FIRST CLASS

    stan armstrong

    As microsoft is a world wide organisation and the only Time Indicated
    on the Browser is Their Time.. possibly change our recorded times of receipt etc to
    00:27 which is when i am posting?

    stan armstrong

    This input is from my other Desktop which is a more modern Dell.

    After switching on and catching up with the News ..I then cautiously
    tried several Web-Sites that have been ‘Touchy’ about Security of late..
    such as Heavens Above and BT’s own Site..
    I use the Password Save Systen in Edge on this PC too and as Microsoft Synchs their Systems..
    it was hardly a surprise when This Site came up as smoothly as all the others.
    In the meantime..the BAA Timing System is now at one[sic] with Microsoft.. and
    so a cheeky good morning from me at 0154 BAA/GMT..

    Alan Thomas

    There does seem to be a problem loggin in by phone. I get a login page which offers both a Sheep login and a big login button. No matter which is used it brings up a ‘BAA wishes access to profile’. Approve this and then go to main pages and cannot access forum to post nor to comment on images because ‘not logged in’. Then we go round again . . .

    Andy Wilson

    In case anyone is experiencing timeouts when logging in, this is to let you know we are aware of the problem.
    It isn’t the BAA website causing the problem. The problem is at an authentication server used by Sheep CRM, employing standard software for single sign on authentication. They have tried upgrading the server, though as we have still experienced some timeouts they are doing further investigations.
    If you experience a timeout, then I’ve found trying again a minute later usually works as it is an intermittent problem.

    Dr Paul Leyland

    The site logs me out after a period of inactivity. That is mildly annoying but nothing more.

    What is annoying is when I am logged out when the Forum page is displayed. To contribute I have to re-authenticate (fair enough) but after doing so I am not returned to the previously displayed page.

    Can this be fixed?

    Andy Wilson

    Hi Paul,
    I’ve noted this in the development log. To set expectations I suspect this functionality won’t change in the near future.
    Part of this is down to different behaviour of the new WordPress site versus the old version of Drupal used in the previous website. Being logged out after a period of inactivity can be considered a security feature.
    Even in the old website, when logging in your location prior to login wasn’t remembered. I agree this would be great but as there is a growing wish list of developments please be prepared it might not happen soon.
    Andy (BAA Web Content Editor)

    Dr Paul Leyland

    Thanks Andy.

    I have no issues at all with the auto-logout feature — I have been professionally employed in the IT security business for well over 30 years — but the other is a WIBNI which could well take time to implement but would also be valuable if it can be done.

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