BAA Journal – Volume 132 Number 04 – August 2022

Visibility times of Martian afternoon clouds - Richard W. Schmude, Jr.
ζ Herculis: a case study in the magnitude differences - Christopher Taylor
BAA variable star observers contribute to research on quasars & dwarf novae - Jeremy Shears
Nightside observations by the Parker Solar Probe: implications for the reality of the Ashen Light - Paul G. Abel
The sky is for everyone: Women astronomers in their own words - Mary McIntyre
Mysteries of the Universe: Answerable & unanswerable questions - Philip Jennings
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Refereed Papers
- 221Six remarkable northerly novae in 2020–’21 - Jeremy Shears
- 230The brighter comets of 2018 - Jonathan Shanklin
- 241Visibility times of Martian afternoon clouds - Richard W. Schmude, Jr.
- 247ζ Herculis: a case study in the magnitude differences - Christopher Taylor
Notes and News
- 207From the President - David Arditti
- 208Follow-up observations of recent novae requested - Jeremy Shears
- 208Editor sought for Popular Astronomy - Robin Scagell
- 208In brief - Philip Jennings
- 208Notice: Diversity & Inclusion Officer - David Arditti
- 209James Webb Space Telescope: a new era - Katie Sawers
- 210Uranus: ‘a rose by any other name...’ - Kevin Bailey
- 211Your vote for the BAA Trustees & Council - Bill Tarver
- 211Nominations invited for the Sir Patrick Moore Prize & the Cicely Botley Prize - David Arditti
- 212BAA variable star observers contribute to research on quasars & dwarf novae - Jeremy Shears
- 212An unexpected eruption of U Scorpii - Jeremy Shears
- 213Auroral & NLC activity 2022 April 19 – June 20 - Sandra Brantingham
- 214Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 217Nightside observations by the Parker Solar Probe: implications for the reality of the Ashen Light - Paul G. Abel
- 218James Paterson & the Moffat Dark Sky venture - Bob Mizon
- 219An introduction to spectroscopy, Part I - Andy Wilson
- 220From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 239Membership information
- 256From the BAA Archives - Richard McKim & John Chuter
- 257New honorary members
- 266Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 267Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2021–2022
- 257The sky is for everyone: Women astronomers in their own words - Mary McIntyre
- 257Mysteries of the Universe: Answerable & unanswerable questions - Philip Jennings
- 260Longest-serving Section Directors - Anthony J. Kinder
- 260Did a Saturnian Great White Spot occur in 1953? - Richard McKim & Wayne Orchiston
BAA Updates
- 261Obituary: Rob Moseley (1952–2022) - Denis Buczynski
- 264Sky notes for 2022 August & September - Nick Hewitt
Observers' Forum
- 262Two interesting variables in Sagitta & Aquila - Gary Poyner
- 263NGC 6894 – A diamond ring in Cygnus - Stewart Moore
- 258BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2022 January 22 - Alan Dowdell