
Upcoming Events of type Webinar

Deep Sky Section Webinar
17 October 2024

An online Zoom webinar is being held by the Deep Sky Section. Further details to be advised.

BAA Meeting | Webinar | Deep Sky

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Recent Events of type Webinar

22 November 2023

Historical Section Webinar – Prof Nick Lomb: “Australian Eclipses 1857 and 1871”

We welcome Professor Nick Lomb of the University of Southern Queensland; co-editor of “Eclipse Chase

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28 September 2023

Deep Sky Zoom

Galaxy cluster Abell 1656 by Graham Winstanley An on-line meeting of the Deep Sky Section will be he

BAA Meeting | Webinar | Deep Sky

1 March 2023

Webinar on Multispectral imaging for analysis of Jupiter’s atmosphere

Many amateur observers take beautiful images showing the colours and methane-absorption of Jupiter’s

BAA Meeting | Webinar | Jupiter

18 February 2023

Solar Section Meeting 2023

The BAA Solar Section’s 2022 meeting will be held as a Zoom webinar on Saturday 18th February 2022.

BAA Meeting | Webinar | Solar

1 December 2022

Why Return to the Moon?

This is a Zoom event organised by the UCL/Birkbeck Centre for Planetary Sciences. It is free but the

Non-BAA Meeting | Webinar

20 July 2022

7pm Wednesday Webinar – Backyard lunar mineral prospecting

On Wednesday 20th July at 7pm, the 53rd anniversary of the first moonwalk, Dr Mark Kidger of the Eur

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