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Eric Watkins
I’ve tried booking for tonight, but I get report that the moon is an issue.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantI had been imaging for this object using itelescope robotic telescope in Utah, USA since the beginning of December and last night thinking the moon would be in the way I ceased the scheduling (getting expensive). Yep it happened I just knew it would. I’ll try and follow it if possible.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantHi Michael,
this is a route I’ve decided to follow. The amount of observing due weather here, north Essex, this past 2 years is enough to make me give up.
So I’d be interested in corresponding with you and any others with experience. I would prefer a site that has an even run of clear nights during a year rather than seasons, if such a thing exists. I will move my C14 Edge + Paramount. I’m mainly observing comets, active Centaurs/asteroids, exo-planets and CV variable stars.Eric Watkins
ParticipantDown here Braintree, Essex. A fair bit of mist/high fog here, but it shows through that. I haven’t got a camera ready.
Clouding over here tooEric Watkins
ParticipantJust ordered a copy. Something new to read these cloudy nights.
Eric Watkins
that’s good news. There are a couple of presentations I’m particularly interested in.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantAndrew, thanks for the offer, in my case I already have some lens 6mm focus F:1.2 I’m trying to get F:’s of 0.8 to 1 which would match the 1 system I have up and working.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantThe telescope aperture could also be stopped down i.e. 4″ with all the other safety measures suggested above.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantGood morning Dominic,
I’d be interested. I already have a heated security enclosures, lenses are proving difficult.
Eric Watkins
Over the years some of my doors have become super intelligent having absorbed information from such door stops !
Seriously though a good conversation has been struck up here with a range of topics which I have often sat down and tried to follow with some self learning.
I’ve gathered a lot of Susskind’s lectures etc. I’m aiming for taking one of the MIT’s open courses at PG level.Eric
Eric Watkins
that is certainly encouraging for those of us contemplating SN hunting. M101 is a bright object regularly observed and that eluded discovery for almost 24 hrs. I’m close to having a 20″ Newt set up specifically for SN hunting. The biggest problem I will encounter I think will be a good, quick, and reliable automated method of checking images for suspects. If there any software writers interested in either a blink or image subtraction method or both I’d be interested in corresponding.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantI think clouds have moved in, just as I’ve changed to a V filter for some photometry. A fresh S/N is a bonus for tonight I was trying out Astroart8 for telescope control, particularly for focusing. If it doesn’t improve shortly I’ll lock up for the night.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Eric Watkins.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Eric Watkins.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantRobin thanks for updated links from which I have Id’ed the Super nova. Guess your onto it with the spectroscope.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantHi Robin,
Imaging M101 at the moment. C14 Edge+ QSI532 clear and V MEII paramount.
The link you provide doesn’t link through.
Eric K01
Eric Watkins
ParticipantI once had a go at imaging M51 using clear,g’ and r’ sloan filters. A friend, Mark Large processed a small number of frames using Pixinsight.
clear 10 x 50sec. r’sloan 20 sec x 50 sec and g’sloan 20 x 50 sec.See the result on my BAA web page
Eric Watkins
ParticipantThe problem has been solved. The screen resolution was set such that the PORT text window was placed outside the window.
Though, I would like to converse with anyone who uses NINA with the SKY X.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Eric Watkins.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantPaul, thanks for your experiences with Astrometrica. I wasn’t aware that it did not run under WINE and the info re converting raw to fits is useful for me.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantWould not Astrometrica be ideal for stacking for asteroids or comets. When the MPCOrb file updated one can select the objects motion. The software is relatively affordable and there is a 100 day free trial. It’s a piece of software that should be in ones tool box in any event. The only reason that springs to mind that may be the reason for non use is the input file extensions (.fit) if DSLR type cameras are being used.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantGrant would be worth your while taking a look at a chandlers (on line if your not near the coast) and checking out what’s available for cleaning GRP boat hulls. I’ve not had a boat for some years now so can’t advise on any particular item.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantMax, very nice work indeed. The advantage of having a good overseas site is obvious. May try and give it a go if we get a spell of good seeing as the nights get longer. Keep up the good work
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by