Forum Replies Created
Eric Watkins
ParticipantExactly my thoughts Robin.
I too thought this was a BAA meeting organised for it’s members. Certainly a larger venue would allow for the attendance of more members. I would like to attend next year’s one which I think has Exoplanets as it’s topic. If I can’t get into that one then after 51 years unbroken membership I would have to reconsider my position as a member.
However, if wee not careful this thread could descend to the unfriendly depths found on other forum sites.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantHi Nick,
not able to make it to York, but speakers list looks good. Will there be a video made of the meeting?
Eric Watkins
a very useful link, cheers.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantThanks Robin for the info and advice. Now I know where to get the antenna from and that they are suitable can read a bit more to source the rest of the equipment. I read physics, but hated electronics and avoided it.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantHi Robin,
yes it would be for the Graves transmitter. I came across a US site about 18 months ago, but can’t find it again where they provided similar antenna which the supplier would tune to the exact frequency. Is this necessary?
Yes these do appear to be what I’m looking for.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantI too had an unbroken chain of S & T since the early 80’s + a good cover of back magazines. However, about 3 years ago I deliberately gave up subscription. Contents were becoming so trivial and uninspiring with regard to amateur projects. At one time I would read it cover to cover many times, but I was finding that I read quickly through it over breakfast coffee and never looked at it again, also true of many of the current crop of amateur mags which may go the same way for me.
Eric Watkins
I did a taught part time astronomy Msc at Uni Herts, during the late 1990’s which had a time limit of between 2 and 5 years, hence costs could be spread if needed. Also, course fees where far more reasonable and value for money. I then went on to do a part-time PhD at the same Uni with Nail Tanvir. I was able to get paid experiment/observatory student classes and marking. I was also offered some teaching which I turned down, by then I was well integrated with both the staff and other post-grads. I also became an associate lecturer for a maths course with the OU. This Phd was still costed at the MSc price and good value for money. Due to a serious chronic illness and hospitalisation I had to withdraw from the course. Four years ago I began a new part time PhD at South Wales for which costs had significantly risen. Most likely there would have been the possibility of paid tutoring or lecturing within the department. Unfortunately, the whole astronomy department and courses was closed and the provisions made for me to continue were unsatisfactory -maybe you can sense the bitterness.
At public libraries you can find a reference book of charities that do provide financial assistance, but such help is often small amounts for books or travel, though via the local museum we have the John Ray award for natural science (biology) which is substantial.
Some ideas for you.
Good luck, Eric
Eric Watkins
Participantthough I did not see the Apollo 8 event I do vividly recall seeing the Apollo 12 event from a bedroom window.. This had been a predicted naked eye event. I dare say many others saw it also.
Incidentally, the same window from which I had my first telescopic view of the plant Mercury
Eric Watkins
I’ve sent an email to your gmail address regarding a free virtual machine package of various astronomy software configured to work and is described in this years proceedings of the Society for Astronomical Sciences (SAS). Includes, DAPHOT, IRAF, PYRAF, AIJ various spectroscopy software and a stand alone photometry package.
Looks very useful.
Eric Watkins
If you already havn’t done so you could make a library of hot pixels that can be used in conjunction with the library of darks. Cleans up the images and removes false hot pixels which could be mistakenly guided on.
Eric Watkins
that would certainly be welcome, particularly if one has to make a choice between simultaneous sessions.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantJack on your ascom properties enable tracking offsets, you will then find, that the greyed out box below it comes alive and you can enable pulse guiding box. PhD should work then if you have also configured that correctly.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantHow about suspending it with loop of rope around the ‘tube above a carpeted floor or cushion just enough to allow movement of the loop to the C of G balance point.
5 September 2018 at 5:20 pm in reply to: New RCB star in Cam – call for photometry/spectroscopy #579965Eric Watkins
ParticipantI imaged this a few nights ago ( I think I got the fov, but pointing played up). I’m getting around to checking the image this evening.
I will let you know.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantHi Bill,
your observation just prompted me to wonder if any ” orbiting space junk” has had it’s spectra captured on a burn up re-entry?
21 August 2018 at 11:41 pm in reply to: NEMETODE Workshop, Dunsink Observatory Dublin – Sat 15th Sept #579910Eric Watkins
I’ll be in touch during September I expect.
21 August 2018 at 10:43 pm in reply to: NEMETODE Workshop, Dunsink Observatory Dublin – Sat 15th Sept #579907Eric Watkins
I will be setting up a video camera for meteor capture and spectroscopy this autumn.
Is there any possibility that the meeting could be video recorded for those who would like to attend, but are unable too.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantHi Dennis,
just following up on your recommendation on wheels and track.
I’ve looked at the site the wheels come in three sizes and at the price you quote I would think these are the 50mm diameter V wheels. The other diameters being 60mm and 78 mm se
My Observatory is 3.6 x 4.2 m. with a Pent roof which is felted. Based on your experience which sized wheel would you recommend.
The track you mentioned has a round rather than inverted V guide. Does this except the V groove wheels.
Many thanks,
27 July 2018 at 8:08 pm in reply to: Updated, and hopefully final, proposal to the BAA Council #579755Eric Watkins
ParticipantIt seems the sensible way to go. Efforts, enthusiasm and time are better spent on getting a programme and hence data acquisition up and running asap.
Eric Watkins
ParticipantHi Dennis,
just an alternative idea I had looking at the two supports I had in the shed.
Indeed I had thought of your suggestion also and may still go that way as I can build another structure in this otherwise dead space using these wooden up rights. Pricing Works out the same by the time timber is added. I will need at least 4.
I’d also like to motorise the roll off roof with sliding gate rack and pinion mechanism. Any recommendations for a particular unit also wheels and track system. Roof is 4.2 x 3.6 m.