Forum Replies Created
Mr Jack MartinParticipant
I agree with your suggestions.
I am prepared to travel to the midlands and happy to help out.
For me its using BASS, perhaps John Paraskeva would run the BASS day ? and a Lhires users workshop.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantTony,
Please put your list up here.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantMichael,
Nice spectrum
Good work,
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantKevin and Andy,
I will be at the meeting on 29 Sep.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantI have spent a small fortune on my Lhires getting it upgraded and buying all 6 gratings. Now it suffers from light loss which I have been unable to solve as its enclosed in a film changing bag ! Bearing in mind other peoples issues, would it be possible for the BAA to organise a Lhires users weekend ? It would give users sufficient time to compare notes and maybe solve some issues.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantAndy and Dominic,
Thanks for your efforts,
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantMartin,
I understand why people need to upgrade, but wonder how user friendly Windows 10 is for a minority Astronomy group, as it was made for the masses.
I am in Rayleigh,
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantPaul,
Yes XP is ok provided you stay off the net as I tend to do.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantFor what its worth, for Spectroscopy, I still run on Windows XP, the be best operating system Microsoft ever issued, also Windows 7 without any problems.
All later Microsoft OS are hybrids of Windows XP, vista and 8 were withdrawn because of problems / complaints.
For what I do both work ok with the software, I have never had a problem.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantAndy,
The polar alignment is good enough.
Are you saying that I need to use exposures between 5-30s on PHD guiding ?
Not sure if PHD guiding goes up to 30s.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantAndy,
I use a Celestron C14.
The Lhires guide optics were updated a couple of years ago by Olivier, so the guiding is good.
The mount is a Paramount MX.
I use PHD or PHD 2 guiding looping between 0.5s or 1.0 s exposures.
The 314 will fit ok next to the 460 imaging camera.
I am using a Moonlite focuser, but don’t know if it will take the weight ?
Essex UK
Testing both cameras is a good idea.
Mr Jack MartinParticipantAndrew,
Thanks for the recommendation I will check it out.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantRobin,
I am looking to guide on fainter stars and more sensitivity.
The lodestar is getting on, and I think there are better cameras for this purpose, correct ?
The main camera is a atik 460.
What about CMOS cameras would they work better than CCD for Spectroscopy ?
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantAndrew,
Thanks for your reply.
Just as I thought.
LHIRES is not designed to work with fibre optic cables, otherwise others such as yourself would have done it.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantAndrew,
Thanks for your input.
I never knew the h alpha line has 7 components.
Also a good point about the development of the quantum theory of light. No one person invents anything. In another example, Edison alone did not invent the light bulb, he needed Franklin’s work on electricity nearly 200 years before him.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantJeremy,
The Analysis of Starlight by Hearnshaw p.59 2 paragraphs on Frank McLean.
But no picture, however the book gives some background information.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantRobin, Thomas and Andrew,
Thank you for your answers, its become much clearer what’s going on and why.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantAlun and Robin,
Thank you for your advices.
I have not had a clear night to re test !
I don’t think that cross treading is an issue, the tension on the belt is not much at all, so far not a problem. BUT you never know, when I had the collimator lens housing out, I could see no evidence of cross threading.
Robin 2 questions;
1. I removed one fibre washer in the collimating lens housing – as you stated in a previous post – but the lens was loose in the housing, I put the fibre washer back. So, how did you overcome the loose fitting of the lens inside the housing without replacing the fibre washer ? Perhaps your Lhires is different to mine ?
2. I do not recall seeing this double calibration line until I motorised the Lhires !
So, if the double line is real, can it be used as a valid calibration line ?
I will be at the AAVSO meeting.
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantAlun and Robin,
That’s because I adjusted the micrometer hence the shift in wavelength.
I will repeat this without touching the micrometer an post pics.
I spent Sunday morning fiddling with it adjusting the collimator lens screws but the double line is still there.
When I took the belt off and went back 30 min later it had reverted to a single line !
Thanks for your inputs,
Essex UK
Mr Jack MartinParticipantBill,
Spectra of these objects are difficult to capture, but interesting to see what they contain.
Good work.
Essex UK