Richard Miles

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  • in reply to: Wow! What an auroral display! #622836
    Richard Miles

    A few of us had a stargazing session at the Giant viewing area in Cerne Abbas, Dorset late yesterday evening.
    Early on about 10.00-11.00pm there was quite a bit of high cloud that largely dispersed by midnight.

    Here below are some hand-held views – one towards Giant Hill.
    Brightest star is Vega in Lyra and the clouds are visible as dark silhouettes.

    Although am at a relatively southerly latitude compared to other UK observers, at one point the aurora was visible above the southern horizon.
    You can see the parallelogram-shaped constellation of Corvus the Crow at a declination of -20° low down in the last two shots, where the brightest star is Spica.

    in reply to: Dark Skies and Satellites in the News #622492
    Richard Miles

    Thanks Howard. The claimed mechanism affecting chance of stroke to quote is: “Continuous exposure to artificial light at night can suppress production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep. People with poor sleep, compared to good sleepers, are more likely to experience worse cardiovascular health over time”.

    Am not sure the researchers have been able to prove a causative link. Their argument is a multi-step one with some doubt that one can link each of the steps directly. People who are exposed to a lot more light at night are leading a very different lifestyle to someone who lives the saying, “Early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy…”


    in reply to: Winchester Weekend Apr 2016 #622491
    Richard Miles

    Thanks Pauline for making these pictures of the 2016 50th WW available.
    I attended that particular extravaganza on that occasion.
    Downloaded a few choice photos: one of Bob Mizon, Alan and John Mason wearing what??, group photo, that one of you, telescope and George Sallit, etc.
    Yep – a few memories indeed!

    Richard Miles


    Well then where do I start??
    I met Prof. Brian Cox at a BBC event in London to celebrate 55 years of The Sky at Night and strangely enough I mentioned to him that my school prize in 1963 was The Observers Book of Astronomy, which I read from cover to cover during a train journey heading off on holiday that year. He of course mentioned his encounter with ‘TOBOA’ which might also have been in 1971 like you. So you, me and Brian C. have that one thing in common!

    I cut a lot of the colour plates out of TOBOA (together with some from the non-PC “Boys Book of Astronomy” by Patrick) and stuck them on the front cover of my school scrapbook, which I carried around with me to the various lessons. I still have it somewhere ….

    in reply to: 1429 Pemba lightcurve #620725
    Richard Miles

    Thanks Wayne – I saw your latest note on ARPS’
    This asteroid is well placed for evening sky observation so we should keep observations going over the next month or two at least.


    in reply to: 1429 Pemba lightcurve #620703
    Richard Miles

    Thanks Wayne for flagging this need.

    A few questions – given we are December 12, can you indicate at what Phase value that corresponds with for the two possibilities?

    Another is the magnitude system used. The plot does not show this. I imagine it is either V, R or G?


    in reply to: Dark Skies – General Interest #619615
    Richard Miles

    Paul, That ‘node/12028’ link took me to: ‘’. Is their a typo in your last note of October 10?

    Richard Miles

    Read all of the article – fascinating accounts of the life of these two ladies. Well done to you and to the Historical Section. The article also helps keep the BAA’s name in the public eye and helps our mandate to highlight the roles of women in astronomy, hopefully encouraging others to sign up as members of the Association.

    in reply to: Variable Star Section Meeting, Sept 2 #619053
    Richard Miles

    A meeting video will be appreciated by me too.
    See where folk are up to VS-wise.

    in reply to: A possible cosmological paradigm? #617550
    Richard Miles

    Good to have the two Paul’s potted descriptions of facets of cosmology. Makes for a nice read on a Saturday evening!


    in reply to: Comet 29P occultation success from GB #617358
    Richard Miles

    Thanks Tim.

    I have updated our MISSION 29P News page to illustrate what was found. See:


    in reply to: Bob Mizon #617230
    Richard Miles

    David – What a tale! – I know that windy road well but had not realised that you and Bob were joint partners in crime over there. very nice. If only Bob were here to give his side of the story!

    in reply to: Bob Mizon #617220
    Richard Miles

    Thanks Howard, David, Paul, etc. on recollections of Bob.

    Whenever local lighting issues came up, Bob was always the person we relied on for guidance and wisdom.
    I feel that the UK and anyone with aspirations to improve the lot for nature and dark skies have lost one of the country’s leading ambassadors for dark skies.
    Who amongst the younger folk will pick up the baton and run with it like Bob has done these past 30+ years?

    in reply to: Dark Sky Plan #617219
    Richard Miles

    All the talk of saving the environment and that’s what it usually seems to be just talk.
    People action’s tend to obey some other law, by which they see little if any obligation to change what they do themselves that may have a bearing on societal aspirations. Or in many cases people know not what they do!

    Are young people in schools made aware of this issue by their teachers, I wonder?
    I’ve seen this:

    Richard Miles

    Alex – Well done for trying. At least you didn’t miss a positive from your observing site!

    I have had two similar experiences; one when a few minutes before the predicted time, a cloud appeared from nowhere in a clear sky and prevented any timing. And another occasion when I had to travel 12 miles to get to my observatory so by the time I got there the sky had started to cloud over badly. I set up and managed to have enough sightings of stars to set up pointing the telescope in the right direction and, low and behold, some minutes before the due time a sucker hole appeared allowing me to achieve a timing.


    Richard Miles

    Thanks Nick for monitoring this event. The weather forecast was borderline and with such a low altitude it was likely to have been affected by clouds towards the local horizon. That’s what happened with Alex Pratt just 3 minutes before the predicted time but I must say I did not expect Alex to have a clear sky full stop. I see that Phil Denyer also recorded a negative observation from somewhere in London. His result may shift the position of the shadow track further west than yours does. The shift has a bearing on the exact prediction for the forthcoming May 21 stellar occultation involving 29P, that will be visible from across Spain but at a similarly low altitude in the sky. See:
    This involves quite a bright star (~9.8R) so fast video should be possible provided the sky is clear.

    in reply to: Constellation British Crown #617178
    Richard Miles

    Cheers Giovanni.

    We have Corona Borealis, Corona Australis, and now temporarily, Corona Britannia !

    in reply to: Using ASTAP for comet measurements #616532
    Richard Miles

    Interesting – I see there is a fairly bright star mixed up with the inner coma.

    I can do absolute photometry on the coma using a capsule aperture.
    I have first subtracted stars manually from within the coma using SalsaJ on the non-offset FITS image.
    Using AstPhot32 I can go up to an aperture 200 pixels across and many hundreds of pixels in length.
    This way I would not use the offset stack, which I am suspicious of because the stars are not completely eliminated.

    Can you suggest what size aperture encompasses all of the coma – similar to what the eye would record?
    I can make sure I go beyond that with the multi-aperture photometry.


    in reply to: Using ASTAP for comet measurements #616347
    Richard Miles

    Mark – Thanks for signalling that ASTAP might be suitable for comet photometry. Please pursue this and see where it leads.

    Paul, yes – circular apertures are just a special case of elliptical ones, which can also be adjusted for any tilt angle. Interestingly, there is also another form of photometric aperture used by pros called the ‘capsule aperture’, which is like a rectangular aperture but it has a hemispherical form at each end of the narrower sides of the rectangle. It is used for the photometry of trailed images.

    in reply to: Peranso #616282
    Richard Miles


    Can you expand a bit about your phrase, “to process exoplanet phase curves”?

    The software aims to identify periodicities in data, so it needs lots of data spanning many cycles. It might be helpful if you take everyone’s data going back several years and search for the periodicity that way.


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