Robert Ian Henderson

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  • in reply to: Cosmic Ray – Raspberry Pi Geiger Counter #622890

    Sorry, Nick, I can’t do simple arithmetic!
    I typically detect muons at a rate of ~0.058 per sec = 3.5 per min, i.e. at intervals of ~17.5 sec, on average. The plastic scintillator is 25 x 25 x 100 mm.

    in reply to: Cosmic Ray – Raspberry Pi Geiger Counter #622862


    What a nice little high-voltage supply you have built for your GM tube! A few years ago I built a little muon detector to the MIT design (which seems to have morphed into the Cosmic Watch detector). It uses a silicon photomultiplier and a scintillator block and is controlled by an Arduino Nano. I have attached a picture, just to show off. I always get counts of around 17.5 per minute, a bit less than you do, and not much variation during the day.

    in reply to: Watec 902H2 Ultimate giveaway #617928

    Fantastic offer! Please send me one (or two if it’s not being too greedy!)
    Robert Henderson

    in reply to: Life, don’t talk to me about life #583270

    It had to be bad science or spiders in the waveguide.

    I did something similar (if cruder) in February to find out where my polar axis was pointing.
    I took a sequence of images of the NCP region using a (shutterless!) Audine camera with a 135mm lens at f/3.5.  The image shows the sum of 10 images taken 20 deg apart in RA.
    The brightest stars in the field are Polaris ( dec = +89d 15m 50.56s ) and Lambda UMi ( +89d 02m 15.66s ).
    Comparing with CdC, the centre of the circle is at about 15h 05m, +89d 53m 46s ( approx 6 arcmin E of NCP  at the time).

    in reply to: New book on The Moon #579533

    Looking forward to the Russian language edition!

    in reply to: Inspirational astronomy books #577451

    My list of inspiring astronomy books has something in common with Denis Buczyinski’s.
    Also, like Graham Winstanley, I spent far too long in the Picton & Brown Libraries in Liverpool browsing the astronomy and science section!

    The Starry Heavens                            Ellison Hawks    1950
    Suns, Myths and Men                         Patrick Moore    1954
    The Boy’s Book of Astronomy             Patrick Moore    1959
    The Amateur Astronomer                    Patrick Moore    1959
    Norton’s Star Atlas                              Norton & Inglis   1959
    Larousse Encyclopedia of Astronomy    L Rudeaux & G de Vaulcouleurs    1962
    Making & Using a Telescope              H P Wilkins & Patrick Moore    1956
    The Sun and the Amateur Astronomer    W M Baxter    1963
    Radio Astronomy for Amateurs           Frank Hyde        1963
    Survey of the Moon                             Patrick Moore    1963
    etc, etc…


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