BAA Journal – Volume 131 Number 5 – October 2021

Two papers on amateur observations of Uranus & Neptune - Mike Foulkes
Using a lunar eclipse to measure the diameter of the - Mark Lonsdale et al.
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Refereed Papers
- 283Uranus during the 2015 apparition - Kevin Bailey
- 287Neptune in 2014–’15 - John Sussenbach
- 291The opposition of Mars, 2016: Part II - Richard McKim
- 299Report of the Council and financial results for the session 2020–2021
Notes and News
- 267From the President - Alan Lorrain
- 267Photograph: AR2866 & AR2868 - Gottfried Steigmann
- 268BAA instruments for sale - Richard McKim
- 268Photograph: Jovian triple transit & mutual phenomena - Christopher Go
- 269In brief - Philip Jennings
- 269Two papers on amateur observations of Uranus & Neptune - Mike Foulkes
- 270Two more novae & a bright maximum of Mira - Jeremy Shears
- 271Lights & lies - Bob Mizon
- 272Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 275Auroral & NLC activity 2021 June 23 – August 20 - Sandra Brantingham
- 276Atmospheric dispersion, Part I: Problem & solution - Martin Lewis
- 277From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 2782021 George Alcock Memorial Lecture Jonathan Shanklin
- 326BAA Ordinary Meeting, 2021 March 31 - Alan Dowdell
BAA Updates
- 318Radio Astronomy Section meeting on Zoom, 2021 March 12 - Paul Hearn
- 319Obituary: Peter W. Parish (1951–2020) - Richard McKim
Observers' Forum
- 320Using a lunar eclipse to measure the diameter of the - Mark Lonsdale et al.
- 321Earth’s Our friends in the north - Callum Potter
- 323Letterstt
- 324Memories of Venus occulting Regulus in 1959 From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 325From the BAA bookshelf - Richard McKim
- 286Membership information
- 318New members
- 328Sky notes for 2021 October & November - Nick Hewitt
- 330Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 331Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2020–2021