BAA Journal – Volume 133 Number 01 – February 2023

Observations of another Venusian atmospheric discontinuity, 2022 May to September - Richard McKim & Paul G Abel
Lunar volcanic complex north-west of Lichtenberg - Raffaello Lena & Barry Fitzgerald
Official opening of Stowmarket school honouring Alice Grace Cook - Bill Barton
The BAA at New Scientist Live, 2022 October 7–9 - Mark Radice & Janice McClean
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Refereed Papers
- 23Observations of another Venusian atmospheric discontinuity, 2022 May to September - Richard McKim & Paul G Abel
- 27Lunar volcanic complex north-west of Lichtenberg - Raffaello Lena & Barry Fitzgerald
- 35 Saturn during the 2009/2010 apparition - Mike Foulkes
- 51Noctilucent cloud over Britain & Western Europe, 2021 - Ken Kennedy
Notes and News
- 3From the President - David Arditti
- 4Help solve mystery in atmosphere of Venus - Paul G. Abel
- 4In brief - Philip Jennings
- 5Members enjoy BAA social event - Marie-Louise Archer
- 6Report on the 41st Symposium on Telescope Science - David Boyd
- 7Memoirs of Alan Heath published - James Dawson
- 7Official opening of Stowmarket school honouring Alice Grace Cook - Bill Barton
- 8Solar Section - Lyn Smith
- 11Nova Cas 2021 & RW Cep: two variable rarities - Jeremy Shears
- 11Photograph: Europe from space - Adam Rawlinson
- 11Notice: Vacancy: Meetings Secretary - David Arditti
- 12Auroral & NLC activity 2022 October 19 – December 20 - Sandra Brantingham
- 13An introduction to spectroscopy, Part IV: Processing spectra - Andy Wilson
- 14Quiz answers - Marie-Louise Archer et al.
- 34Index to volume 132 - Hazel McGee
- 55New members
- 63Membership information
- 66Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 67Board of Trustees and Council, Session 2022–2023
The Archives
- 22From the Journal archive - John Chuter
- 60From the BAA Archives - John Chuter
- 60Order of Merit for Sir Paul Nurse - Anthony Kinder
BAA Updates
- 57Graham Winstanley: a word from our new treasurer - Graham Winstanley
- 58The BAA at New Scientist Live, 2022 October 7–9 - Mark Radice & Janice McClean
- 64Sky notes for 2023 February & March - Nick Hewitt
Observers' Forum
- 61AT Cancri – a unique dwarf nova in Cancer - Gary Poyner
- 62Beyond the Beehive - Callum Potter
- 56BAA Special General Meeting & George Alcock Memorial Lecture, 2022 May 25 Alan Dowdell - Alan Dowdell