Storm Dunlop

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    Alex Pratt

    I have been informed that Storm Dunlop, science author and translator, passed away on the 23rd January in hospital in Chichester. He served the BAA in various capacities, including the roles of Papers Secretary and President.

    He produced the very popular annual ‘Guide to the Night Sky’ series in collaboration with the late Wil Tirion and he also wrote books on meteorology and weather lore. He would ask me to check the details of his meteor shower calendar, lunar and solar eclipses, and any major lunar occultations.

    They also worked together on a series of planispheres – Storm kindly gave me a large-format 38 cm diameter ‘drehbare Sternkarte’ showing stars to mag. 5.5 which they produced for the German-speaking audience.

    Details of Storm’s funeral will be announced in due course.


    Denis Buczynski

    Such sad news that Storm Dunlop has passed away. He was a long time friend and was always helpful. I enjoyed many occasions with him. A memorable visit in recent years when he and Dave Gavine (his lifelong friend) stayed with me in Scotland. They enjoyed each others company and sometimes bickered.It was like having Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets staying.
    Storm was an expert on weather phenomena and was well known and regarded in variable star circles. He translated, from the German, the classic work “Variable Stars” by Hoffmeister, Richter and Wendal. He served as President of the BAA at a very testing and fractious time, and matters did resolve well for him. Nonetheless he did not abandoned his connection with the Association and remained a member to the end of his life. he will be missed and remembered fondly by his many friends.
    Denis Buczynski


    Yes, another one of that era gone. Sad indeed.

    I never met Storm but we had emailed, mostly me picking his brains about things from the past, and he was always helpful, even when the topic related to Patrick Moore! I don’t know the full story of the bust up in the BAA with Storm and Patrick and others apart from what I’ve read in Martin Mobberley’s books.

    Storm’s knowledge of weather phenonomena was amazing and I’ve got several of hie weather books. We most recently corresponded about Cecilia Botley who like Storm was also interested in the weather. I had emailed him last week about a book he had translated (Atlas of Great Comets by Ronald Stoyan) saying what a great book it is and would he pass my thanks onto the author. I never recieved a reply.

    I look forward to reading more about his life as and when someone writes a biographical article about him.

    James Dawson

    Martin Mobberley

    Storm had a devoted mother who was an animal lover and quite a character. For many years he had been meaning to write a memoir about her life.
    Sadly, I don’t think he got very far with that plan. She took over the running of a small zoo in the Portsmouth area and, on her watch, all the monkeys escaped! A few years ago Storm told me:

    ‘My mother must be the only person who has had a police car and driver put at her disposal to chase monkeys around Portsmouth. I think I have found images of the very police car.’


    Alan Dowdell

    Sad to hear Storm has died . I knew him quite well , but haven’t seen him for some years now. I first met him in the late 60s when he joined Hampshire Astronomical Group. He got at time involved in making quite large telescope mirrors . I visited many times his home in Wittering and also met his mother who was quite a interesting person. I asked her why the name Storm, apparently she just liked the name but it was most suitable for his later writing career.
    He was very active in running our association for many years being secretary and President and keen on variable stars.
    I will certainly remember him

    Dominic Ford

    Very sorry to hear this – especially as I never got the chance to meet Storm.

    It’s less than six months since Wil Tirion’s passing – the other half of the partnership that worked on the “Guide to the Night Sky”.

    As it happens, I was contacted by the Guide’s publisher last summer, asking me to help prepare the 2026 edition. Helping with it has been an enormous amount of work over the past six months, and has really made me appreciate how much work Storm and Wil put into it every year. The 2026 Guide should finally be passed over to the typesetters in a couple of weeks, at which point I can breathe a sigh of relief. Back in the day, Wil would have gone on to typeset the whole manuscript and submitted it to the printers in camera-ready form.

    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Sad news!

    I’ve known Storm since I was a young teenager in the SDAS (South Downs Astro Soc.) in the early 70’s.


    David Whitehouse

    I am very sad to hear this. He was a remarkable character, a fine writer and expert. RIP.

    Denis Buczynski

    I once asked Storm about the reason his mother chose his christian name, he told be that if the baby born was a boy she wanted to call him Storm and if it was to a girl she would be named Gale. Simple!
    Denis Buczynski

    John Thorpe

    Very sad news. I did not know Storm personally, but as a new BAA member in the 80s enjoyed talking with him at meetings and also gained much from his book “Astronomy” which I found a highly readable and most useful reference.

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