Mr Ian David Sharp

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  • in reply to: Software for photometry (image calibration) #620073
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    A few first impression comments about the suggestions. Working my way through them.

    ASTAP intiates a Windows Defender warning.

    Calibration Intro Tutorial for Tycho Tracker seems to suggest it’s for moving targets.

    I have installed AstroImageJ, found the DP button but there is no option to process flat darks.
    So I have found various tutorials but I’m getting the impression they are for CCDs which do use bias frames I believe.

    Trying not to be too negative but I think I need something with very basic tutorials that walks you through it.


    Hi Kevin,

    I run ASTAP on 3 different PC’s and I’ve never seen a Windows Defender warning. ASTAP does deal with flat-darks as far as I can see but, as I said, I use PixInsight to create my master calibration files.

    Tycho Tracker handles both static and moving targets, but I’m not sure it deals with flat-darks – I might be wrong.

    I think you’re right about AstroImageJ – why not experiment with Bias frames and see what you get?

    Lastly, I’ve found this calibration tool which looks interesting:


    in reply to: Software for photometry (image calibration) #619890
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi Kevin,

    There are quite a few choices for software packages that will calibrate your images, and some will calibrate and perform the photometry. Did I see somewhere that you are learning to use the AAVSO VPhot software? I don’t believe that has calibration facilities? It’s amazing on the calibration side of things.

    I, personally, use AstroArt 8 (AA8) for my photometry and this is because it can be scripted and controlled by my Python programs. AA8 also performs the calibration. I prefer to use PixInsight to produce my calibration master files, but that’s only because I’m well versed in PI and it has an incredible set of calibration processes. AA8 would do the job too.

    Having said all this, I’ve recently been using the excellent Tycho Tracker program to do photometry. This also copes with calibration. I would recommend looking at this and there are lots of very good videos on YouTube by the author of the Tycho software and he is very responsive with questions. There is a small one off cost for the Pro version but it is well worth a look.

    Other than that, there is Maxim DL which is widely used for calibration and photometry. Also AstroImageJ (free) is incredible but takes a bit of learning.

    You could use the free DeepSkyStacker for calibration.

    I know lots of people swear by Siril which I believe is free.

    A few links:


    in reply to: Bias Frames for CMOS #619886
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Just to clarify
    My flats taken with a light pad and T-shirt required exposures of 2.3 sec to get the histogram max
    between 1/3 and 1/2 of max ADU count.
    That means I need to take a set of darks at the same exposure (all other things as you say replicated, temp gain etc.)

    Hi Kevin,

    Yes, that’s correct – you need darks to match your flats (and darks to match your lights of course!). My exposures vary from about 2 to 8 seconds with my CCD based system with my LED screen.


    in reply to: Bias Frames for CMOS #619832
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    There looks to be some fine advice from the manufacturers of SBIG cameras:


    in reply to: Bias Frames for CMOS #619827
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi Kevin,

    The first thing to bear in mind is that bias signal always needs to be subtracted during calibration. However, the thing to also remember is that *all* images contain the bias signal and this includes your darks and flats.

    The traditional CCD workflow is to take separate bias, dark, and flat frames, then explicitly subtract the bias from darks, flats, and
    lights. This works well with CCD’s because they are very well behaved in terms of their linearity.

    CMOS cameras, however, have certain non-linearities with short exposures and dark frames (amp glow). (a lot of new CCD cameras seem to have all but eliminated amp glow).

    To calibrate CMOS images, we don’t need to take separate bias frames, but rather keep the bias in the darks and flats and the bias subtraction is done when calibrating the flats with dark flats and the lights with their darks. So, it is not that bias is not used, but rather how it is ultimately subtracted.

    If you use PixInsight and the excellent WBPP (Weighted Batch Pre Processing) script, then all the settings are nicely set up for you. You just need to feed it with your darks, flats and flat-darks (yes, take dark frames to match the exposure of your flats as well as your lights). The only time that PixInsight needs Bias frames is in the situation where you have not taken dark frames to match your light frames. In this situation, the bias frames are used to scale your darks to match. So, for example, if you have 300s darks in your library and you have taken some 360s lights, the program will scale the 300s master dark to produces a scaled-dark. This is not ideal but works very well.

    In summary, take darks for all the exposures and temperature combinations you are likely to use. Take flats for all of your filters and also take flat-darks to match the flat exposures. I’m assuming here that you have chosen your Gain and Offset values. These must be kept the same for all lights and calibration frames.

    Adam Block explains all in great depth here:

    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: Starting CMOS photometry #619711
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi Kevin,

    Section 3.3.10 in the AAVSO CCD/CMOS Photometry guide is very informative with regards to the Gain and Offset settings in CMOS cameras:

    Once you choose a gain and offset, just stick with it for all lights and calibration files.

    With regards to temperature, just go with a value that your camera can cool to reliably. I use both -10C and -20C with my CCD. I use -10 in the Summer months when I find the camera can’t cope with -20. I have a QHY268C CMOS camera which I image with and I find that it can’t get down reliably cooler than -15C, so I tend to stick with -10.

    Binning – I use both 1×1 and 2×2 for fainter targets.


    in reply to: Light boxes/pads for flat frames #619705
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi Kevin,

    I forgot to mention that I used an Alnitak Flip-Flap on my 104mm refractor setup at PixelSkies in Spain. See photos and details here:

    This was brilliant because I could control it remotely. I have recently replaced the OTA with a C11 and now I have to ask the folks there to place a light panel on to the C11 when I need to refresh my flats (which is not very often).


    in reply to: Light boxes/pads for flat frames #619694
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi Kevin,

    For what size OTA?

    I use LED flat panels for my kit (is that what you mean by a pad?). I have an A3 size panel which covers my C11 ok. I have a smaller Pegasus Astro Flatmaster panel which covers my refractors and is dimmable and USB controllable. There are lots of choices of LED Flat panels out there now.

    These look nice:


    in reply to: New outburst of the symbiotic star V426 Sge (HBHA 1704-05) #619674
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi all,

    It looks to be slowly dimming again. I got Vmag = 11.62 and Bmag = 12.42 last night. See attached.


    in reply to: OJ287 #619630
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Thanks for the info Gary,

    I managed a decent set of R, V and B last night from Spain. V mag was coming out at around 14.6 with R at about 14.2.

    All uploaded into the dB.


    in reply to: New outburst of the symbiotic star V426 Sge (HBHA 1704-05) #619601
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi all,

    I got some nice results last night in B and V – 10 images of each. I get 11.43 in V and 12.16 in B and it looks to be brightening from David and Gary’s recent points. See attached.


    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Thanks for the heads up David,

    I’ve set up a run from Spain in B and V tonight…


    in reply to: Preparing for the eruption of T CrB #619212
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi all,

    My B mag. measurements from last night suggest a bit of a rise in the past few days. Hope to check this again tonight.

    in reply to: Preparing for the eruption of T CrB #619094
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Wow! Just been watching Brad Schaefer’s presentation. This is so exciting! Now I understand why the call for B-band photometry.



    in reply to: Preparing for the eruption of T CrB #619090
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    They said there would be a video available shortly.

    Here it is:


    in reply to: Supernova in M101 ! #619027
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Certainly looks like it Ian. My efforts attached.

    Hi Gary,


    Here’s my update as of last night. I had three rainy nights in a row in Spain!


    in reply to: ZWO ASI 533MM-Pro CMOS Camera for Photometry? #619018
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Many thanks Andrew and Kevin,

    I’m coming around to the idea!

    Best Regards

    in reply to: Preparing for the eruption of T CrB #618871
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Thanks Jeremy,

    I managed to get an 11th mag comparison star in the FOV and that has improved things.

    Here’s another 2 hour B run from last night.


    in reply to: Preparing for the eruption of T CrB #618839
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Hi Jeremy,

    I’ve been monitoring T CrB for a couple of months in R, V and B and have noticed much more variability in B, but it has not made any significant shifts until last night when I managed a longer run over about 2 hours. See the attached graph.

    The problem I have so far is that my reference and check stars are a good 2 mags. fainter because of the tight FOV of my C11 setup. I’ll try and offset the FOV a tad to fit in a brighter ref star or two.


    in reply to: Beginner question about filters #618741
    Mr Ian David Sharp

    Are these suitable to get started in CMOS photometry. Does anyone in BAA have experience of using them?

    Hi Kevin,

    Yes, I use these filters, but I only use the R, V and B. I would forget ‘U’, but the ‘I’ can be useful. I use them with a CCD camera, but no problems with a CMOS camera.

    As well as photometry, I also use them for colour imaging as there is not enough room in my 7-pos filter wheel for a standard set of RGB filters. I have the following filters: L, R, V, B, Ha, OIII, SII, and this works very well for everything.

    Best Regards

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